Water Closet: The Forbidden Chamber (PC) review"The moral of Water Closet must be: even if it seems repulsive at first, pissing and pooping in public is fun. Personally, I prefer to be regarded with reverence and admiration instead of shame and repulsion. That probably means I'm not in the game's target audience. Would you care to play?" |
Have you grown tired of raping women? Does virginal debauchery no longer sit well with your soul?
If so, then Water Closet: The Forbidden Chamber just may be the hentai game for you! In Water Closet, you play the role of the helpless female — all five of them — so you won't have to worry about walking that long road to Hell. On the other hand, you will get raped and debauched. That's not the kind of experience that makes me shout "MUST-PLAY GAME!" from atop a mountain, but at least it doesn't increase my spiritual evil meter like RapeLay or Tsuki.
But before I make this game actually sound marginally acceptable, I should probably warn you about...
(And the camera's caught them in flight.)
As explained by the game's resident toilet expert, a swarthy chap named W.C. Nicholson, Water Closet is not about bathrooms. In Japan, bathrooms are for taking baths. The water closet is where you go to pee and poop. In other words, Water Closet is about what you and I would call... bathrooms.
The developer expects your penis to be throbbing right now. If it's not, then you should probably find some other game to play. Unlike me, you actually have a choice in the matter. If you don't have a penis, then please, for the love of God, stop reading right now.
Let's discuss choices for a moment.
In most hentai games, the basic flow is a series of still pictures (some games interject an occasional video clip) and you get to make sporadic decisions that affect the storyline. Some developers have mastered the art and created gems that deal with human relationships and sexuality in a mature, insightful manner. Other developers have created illogical messes where players' selections don't lead to any sensible outcome.
I will now tell you about the choices I experienced during my first playthrough of Water Closet.
Upon starting the game, I was provided five characters to choose from. That was my first choice. I selected the one on the right, a studious sort with large glasses, and discovered that her nickname is "Toilet". Hmm. The music was upbeat and catchy, but the text was small and thin. It was also justified, which occasionally led to weird spacing issues like "Th ank y o u."
My visual acuity paid off big-time, because I was treated to an amazing story the likes of which I hope I'll never read again. It starts at school. Toilet was taking a practice test, much like the PSAT, which means Toilet is either under age 18 (although the game cleverly masks her age by listing it as "NO COMMENT!") or she's mentally deficient. After daydreaming for a bit, Toilet realized that she needed to use the toilet. Pardon me: the water closet. Toilet's next few minutes (as well as mine) were spent on an internal monologue about whether or not it would be appropriate to go to the bathroom water closet during a test.
When it comes to excitement, Snatcher's gunfights and decapitations don't even compare!
Once Toilet finally made up her mind and went to the water closet (as I suspected was bound to happen), she overheard a boy and girl having sex in the men's room through the wall behind her. Then she overheard a girl and girl getting it on in the stall next to her. Toilet was SHOCKED by this indecent behavior. She was masturbating as all of this happened, but nevertheless, she was SHOCKED and APPALLED.
The sex-talk was so shocking and appalling that the game actually bleeped out the dialogue, even though the word "clitoris" was clearly written out and Toilet's pubic hair and vagina of unknown age were prominently displayed onscreen.
Up to this point, I had not been afforded a single choice. The decisions of "do I go to the water closet or not?" and "should I shove seven tampons up my womanhood to simulate a cock-like sensation?" were beyond my control. But something exciting was about to happen.
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Staff review by Zigfried (March 05, 2009)
Zigfried likes writing about whales and angry seamen, and often does so at the local pub. |
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