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Author: Nightfire
Posted: February 23, 2017 (08:01 PM) Actions: Register for a free user account to post on the forums... |
So here we are for another ROTW. Highlights of my week include digging myself out of a snowstorm, contracting a nasty throat infection, injuring myself while building some furniture, and meticulously reinstalling my operating system after Windows 10 spontaneously committed suicide. Life sure has been grand. |
Author: jerec
Posted: February 23, 2017 (09:32 PM) Actions: Register for a free user account to post on the forums... |
Jeez, this competition is fierce. I remember when we'd be lucky to get 14 new reviews in an entire month.
I can avoid death by not having a life. |
Author: honestgamer
Posted: February 23, 2017 (10:31 PM) Actions: Register for a free user account to post on the forums... |
Thanks for taking care of things this week, Nightfire. As you noted, it was a tough week, and I'm glad to have placed. The purpose of my review wasn't to scare anyone away from the game, but to dissect its flaws in a way that lets interested parties know whether or not they might want to give the game a shot in spite of what I see as its issues. I'm glad to hear that it seems to be working as intended.
"Too often we enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought." - John F. Kennedy on reality |
Author: overdrive (Mod)
Posted: February 24, 2017 (12:50 PM) Actions: Register for a free user account to post on the forums... |
14? Dang, that's even more than I had to judge during my last go at this. We're definitely getting a lot of good content right now.
I'm not afraid to die because I am invincible |
Author: EmP (Mod)
Posted: February 24, 2017 (02:21 PM) Actions: Register for a free user account to post on the forums... |
So much for it all calming down a little. Long might it continue (though if you all want to take a week off, and can let you know which one is mine in advance).
For us. For them. For you. |
Author: JoeTheDestroyer (Mod)
Posted: February 24, 2017 (03:57 PM) Actions: Register for a free user account to post on the forums... |
Curses! Undone by punctuation! Congrats to Rhody, though, and also to Venter for placing. Thank you, Nightfire, for getting through this brutal week and having the topic out in a timely manner.
The only thing my milkshake brings to the yard is a subpoena. |
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