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Mass Effect 2 (Xbox 360) artwork

Mass Effect 2 (Xbox 360) review

"If I’m struggling to record my thoughts on Mass Effect 2 it’s because it excels on so many fronts and does so many things right that it’s hard to settle on just one thing. So I’ll ramble in a word document instead, talk about a few things that caught in my mind and then reveal that I’ve hardly scratched the surface."

I’m struggling to record my thoughts on Mass Effect 2 in a serviceable way.

I could very easily talk about how the previous title’s engine has been overhauled almost completely. How firefights are vastly improved by a universal magazine system rather than waiting for your sci-fi weapon of choice to cool after an overheat, or how the scaling back of customisable powers and equipment means less fiddling and more immediate results. I could laud the deletion of the roving MAKO vehicle no one liked, and praise how away missions are now directly accessed via a shuttle. Everyone else has, and it’s an easy way to fill the page and justify the large score I’m about to accredit the game with. But I can’t help but feel this would be missing the point a little.

So, instead, I’ll talk about Omega. You don’t have to make it your first stop after the game’s opening stages, but it’s openly suggested that you swing by there early. There’s two potential crewmates waiting to be recruited (three, if you’re a fan of DLC) as well as a sizable smattering of struggling traders and back alley murderers. Here, you’ll find forgotten walkways lined by dying inhabitants broken up by the odd rotting corpse and a collection of vorcha warriors loitering with dangerous intent. This new reptilian race makes up for its lack of intelligence with unbridled aggression, and they’re everywhere. Delve into the virus-ridden domestic estates, and you’ll find them thriving, slaughtering civilians and mercenary groups alike amidst the sick and the dying people cowering in their homes or making a desperate last-gasp pilgrimage to a nearby clinic. Omega is the home of the desperate and the walking dead; if you’re not living your life through a haze of narcotics, you’re living in fear of slavers, of the gang warfare between warring merc bands or raging xenophobia running rife through the hotchpotch of races not even trying to co-exist.

Right in the middle of the space station, surrounded by delirious clubbers tripping off pulsing electronic beats, weird green drinks and hallucinogenics, sits Aria T’Loak. Once a stripper for the intoxicated masses, she clawed, murdered and slept her way to the top of the food chain, and has no desire to move aside. She views you with early suspicion that quickly laps into indifference, answering your questions in a bored tone, helping you just as much as she can be bothered to. She’ll tell you the whereabouts of a vigilante outlaw armed with a sniper rifle and the higher ground that the station’s three main factions have joined forces to root out. She’ll help you disguise yourself as a freelance mercenary employed by the uneasy alliance as an undisguised meat shield as you bluff your way forward in an effort to recruit him for your crew. Along the way, you can exchange words with the krogen battle master for the Blood Pack, and hear how he wants to rip his foe apart with sheer strength. You can drop in on the pooling ground for the Eclipse, and perhaps vandalise their collection of battle mechs so they no longer recognise friend or foe, or you could spend some time with the dominant group, the Blue Suns, and wedge an electro-tool into the spine of their quartermaster as he tries to repair a dropship.

Sabotaging as you go makes life easier when you manage to gain access to the sniper’s den and help him fight off wave after wave of solider, mech and armourment. Overlooking the only bridge that offers access to his safe haven, target after target pour into your crosshairs as you battle to keep your would-be recruit alive. Survive that, and you need split your forces to battle both the survivors of the foiled charge and fresh troops tunnelling their way in through abandoned hallways and barricaded underpasses. After that, there’s only the small matter of surviving a gunship as it encircles your hideout, dropping troops right into your lap and firing ceaseless rounds of armour-piercing ammo into your ranks.

Maybe you’ll survive that. Maybe you’ll battle through the vorcha-infected, plague-ridden domestic quarters enough to reach the clinic and obtain a vaccine to pump through the environment systems in a last-ditch attempt to save everyone there. Maybe you’ll manage the slog through the psychotic, single-minded aliens who stand guard to the station’s salvation, ones armed with assault rifles, flame-throwers and more jagged, needle-like teeth than IQ points. Even if you do, you’ve only seen a fraction of what the dilapidated station has to offer. There’s desperate pilgrims desperate to buy themselves freedom, but held to ransom by a senior trader’s harsh price restriction and old faces eager to catch up on old times. There’s a batarian barmen with a stronger irrational hatred of humans than usual and seedy smugglers looking for the right man to help them bring in their illicit goods. There are forgotten warlords that need protecting from unforgotten grudges, conspiracies to be uncovered and a string of seedy murders you might very well fall victim to. Omega crawls with life, mostly of the low variety, and it takes a long time before you’ve seen every crime, checked into every store and survived every encounter it dredges up from its depths and hurls your way.

Omega is one small corner in Mass Effect 2‘s assorted galaxies. Galaxies that need to be explored to prepare for a new war, one thought long concluded.

And so you’ll visit corrupt trade planets, forgotten science stations and the remains of the krogan homeworld. Razed human settlements, tapped-out archaeology sites and fringe worlds littered with lost tech and old foes. You’ll explore worlds set under ultra-heated suns, fallen foul to alien indoctrination or home to crashed spacecraft sheltering what remains of its crew. You’ll intercept distress beacons, strip-mine planets of mineral worth from orbit and slowly upgrade your craft and your crew through in-house R&D projects that can do anything from pimp your ship’s shields to giving everyone’s pistol a little more kick. You’ll help plug shops for a discount on their wares, scour the markets for new fish to put in your cabin’s tank and play peek-a-boo with a giant space hamster who, apparently, hates you.

There’s a serious war to be waged, but Mass Effect 2 never lets itself get lost in it. It would be missing the point to talk only about the battles waged and the lives lost.

So, instead, I’m going to talk about the Citadel. It’s the centre of the universe as far as the alliance is concerned, but the conclusion of the last game made it a floating scrap heap. Two years later, it’s still in a state of disrepair, and the trailing elevators that once made the spine of the station are no longer functional. Back in the old days these endless elevators trips were employed to mask loading screens quite cleverly, which gave your squad the chance to chat amongst themselves and even receive mission updates or news bulletins on pending or completed quests. It was universally hated. Now, the majority of accessible station is a shopping district traversable by seamless stairs. Take two of your old team exploring, and one will turn to the other and ask her if she misses the time they spent chatting aimlessly while waiting to arrive on the right floor. When her response is a definite and cold “No”, he tries to strike up forgotten conversation threads about her race and condition for the sake of nostalgia.

He may as well turn towards the camera and offer the player a wink. Bioware made Mass Effect 2 fully aware that there's problems inherent in the first game and, not content to just offer fixes, they go out of their way to make fun of themselves and the industry, setting up clueless bar patrons as clichéd protagonists tropes content to wander around aimlessly, chatting to anyone who stands still long enough in a bid to receive quests or checking random crates for a few extra credits.

If I’m struggling to record my thoughts on Mass Effect 2 it’s because it excels on so many fronts and does so many things right that it’s hard to settle on just one thing. So I’ll ramble in a word document instead, talk about a few things that caught in my mind and then reveal that I’ve hardly scratched the surface.

EmP's avatar
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fleinn posted February 25, 2011:

"the roving MAKO vehicle no one liked"

*coughcough* AHhahahehehehmmm!

But then again, I also think the entire main plot (and all dialogue and writing associated with it) in ME2 is extremely pedestrian. The side-quests are often good, though.
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darketernal posted February 25, 2011:

I disagree. To me, the dialogue and the world itself was the strongest point, while the actual gameplay was shabby at best.

Good review, though.
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EmP posted February 25, 2011:

Maybe ME1's plot was more of a sweeping epic, but ME2 was much more character driven. It took the time to establish the cast in a way the first kinda skimmed over to plough more effort into the main story. Pros and cons, I guess.
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Suskie posted February 26, 2011:

I'd argue that ME2 was too character-driven for its own good. The story itself was terrific, but there were only really a handful of missions devoted to it. The standard three-act plot structure is there for a reason.

By the way, EmP, I already hated my ME2 review before I read this and now I hate it even more. Great job/go to hell.
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fleinn posted February 26, 2011:

lol :D

"The story itself was terrific, but there were only really a handful of missions devoted to it."

That's a really good point, imo. They really know how to write great characters, and to design situations where the player can engage with them. And the game does that so well you feel like a real miser when complaining about anything.

But there is maybe a tendency, and a stronger one than in ME1, to almost have the missions exist outside and away from the main plotline.. I mean, in ME1 you had the ties back to the council, all the locations involved the lore and so on. Even some of the random encounters had political or situational context that explained something about what happened in the star-systems, etc..
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wolfqueen001 posted February 26, 2011:

I remember reading your first review and being rather confused by its roundabout way of telling things, even though that one was really good, too. This one I find to be much more engaging simply because it's more "linear", if that makes sense. The examples you use are also very poignant and illustrate well the deep and turbulent world(s) you explore. Frankly, when it comes to reviewing games that are this large, the best way is to find a focus rather than talking about everything, and that's exactly what you did. By fully illustrating the game's strongest points, we get a much more detailed image of the game (or at least that focused part of it) rather than just a surface-glazing of everything that went into it. And this works much better.

The only real issue I had with the review, aside from the typical grammar / spelling things (pointed out below) that almost inevitably come with your reviews (although they've been mercifully fewer as of late), deals with some of your sentence structure in some cases. Sometimes you get so wrapped up in what you're describing that some of your sentences just get bogged down and confusing after a while, so it might be worth cutting down, breaking up or rephrasing some them to make them clearer. However, there aren't too many examples of this in the review, and again, this is also another common problem you have with your stuff that, really, in the grand scheme of things isn't THAT huge a deal.
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EmP posted February 27, 2011:

I rather liked your ME2 review, Suskie. I almost didn’t bother writing my own because I didn’t feel the site needed it. Then I wrote it anyway; I’m odd like that.

I didn’t mind the loose focus on the plot because it felt more like this attack was a scouting mission rather than a full out Reaper assault that the third game is set to bring. 2 felt like it was setting a lot of the foundations for 3 so that it need not go back over things already covered, like the team’s backstory and building their characters and the like. I guess we’ll see.

Thanks for the catches, WQ. I set out with the failings from the first Mass Effect review in mind, and also taking what seemed to work for Red Dead Redemption, which people seemed t have liked.

I’m thinking about entering this in the Indie tourney.
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Suskie posted February 28, 2011:

Actually, it'll be interesting to see how they handle ME3's cast. Keep in mind that no one in ME2 is guaranteed to have survived that game. However they approach it, it feels at this point like so much of the exposition on display in ME2 is wasted on characters that, one way or another, won't have the spotlight in part three.
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EmP posted March 05, 2011:

What they did to scatter ME1's cast was great, but if they ploughed this much effort into establishing ME2's cast at the cost of the overall plot then threw them away, I cant help but feel that would be a huge mistake. Hence why I'm backing on 2 & 3 suscribing to the usual "One big game" rather than the huge progression between 1 & 2. I guess time will tell.

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