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Anyone into Trophy Hunting?
November 02, 2023

Over the last three years or so I've gotten into trophy hunting. To that effect, I found a great cheese strategy for getting the 100x hit combo in Spider-Man 2018 Remastered for PS5. I'm linking my YouTube video here for anyone interested. As far as I know, I haven't seen anyone use this strategy. Only downside is it requires the DLC expansions, so if not playing the Remastered version for ps5, you'll have to buy them.

Check it out! ^-^

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honestgamer honestgamer - November 04, 2023 (08:57 PM)
I'm too busy playing a bunch of games and ignoring my backlog to worry about trophy hunting, but I know some people really enjoy that. It's neat how many different ways people play the same games. Interactive entertainment at its finest!
wolfqueen001 wolfqueen001 - November 11, 2023 (09:40 PM)
Fair enough. For me, mostly I trophy hunt the games I really enjoy. If the trophy list is good, I feel like I'm getting the most I can out of the game by going for the platnum or whatever. Other times it's just compulsion in the sense that seeing an incomplete percentage can be nagging... but I generally know when something is attainable, and if I stop having fun, I'll take a break.
overdrive overdrive - November 15, 2023 (01:57 PM)
I, uh, did get the basic Platinum on Final Fantasy XV, mainly due to how virtually every trophy was tied to the main plot, as well as a handful of optional objectives. Said optional objectives kind of showed why I don't make an effort to get trophies beyond what my normal playing plus maybe a certain amount of effort if one looks fun would give. Why? Because the last one I got was for beating the Adamantoise mark hunt and that fight took forever in a boring way and the monster was so damn large, it completely caused havoc with the camera.

Seems most of the time, I wind up with 35-70% on the trophy acquisition chart, with a few games being in the 70-80% range. With that number being determined by how many trophies there are and how many are given for completing content (plot or side quests) and how many are given for doing other stuff. For one example, as I just finished Ys VIII, you get trophies for covering so much land while controlling each of the six characters. Since Adol worked for me and I focused on him and really only switched to a teammate very rarely, I only got that trophy for Adol and didn't get any of the other five.

Think I'm kind of in Jason's boat with how I play so many games, it's rare that I really dig deep enough into one to get its more tricky trophies. Even with a game that became my life, like Elden Ring, I noticed that I got nearly all the ones pertaining to beating bosses, but was a bit lacking in the elite weapons, ashes, etc. ones because I wasn't going to completely scour every inch of every location to beat some tough boss reskin to get a weapon I'd never use because it didn't fit my style of play.
EmP EmP - November 26, 2023 (12:36 PM)
It comes and goes with me. I was big into it during the XBox 360's prime years when achievement was a new concept, and I'd regularly use it to put a lot more time into games that didn't deserve it (I beat Silent Hill Homecoming twice. Twice!). Now, if a game grabs me, I'm make a half hearted play at tracking down achievements on the internal understanding that I'll drop it as soon as I start getting bored. It recently led to this:

EmP's image

Yes. It was much more trouble than it was worth.
wolfqueen001 wolfqueen001 - November 30, 2023 (03:49 PM)
Well done though. I heard good things about the One Piece games if you're a fan, but I've also heard they can be a slog.

Totally get being casual with it, in any case. I definitely don't enjoy the grind, and it's probably why I'll never finish Kingdom Hearts or the original Demon's Souls 100%, but you never know. I've become more competitive with myself over the years despite having a family and other commitments, so the mood may strike me one day.
Masters Masters - February 01, 2024 (06:57 AM)
I had quite the platinum hunter phase starting in the PS3 era. I was earning a platinum every month on average. My collection is made up of actual, hard platinums of games I loved (Modern Warfare 2), and dumb, easy ones I just played to increase my numbers (Megamind). I'm not sure where I am now, through three generations (PS3, PS4, PS5) -- maybe around 70?

These days I just play AAA remakes of old favourites (Resident Evil 2, 3, and 4) on easy while waiting in vain for the next Celeste.

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