For the robotic populace of a desert wasteland, stepping one foot outside their homes constantly invites danger, and it seems to be a normal occurrence. One can traverse a supposedly peaceful gorge, when suddenly, giant killer drills come spilling out of the sand. Wandering into a mysterious temple instantly summons danger, as a complex security system starts spewing red death lasers and ceiling crushers by the masses. But this is especially painful for your protagonist, as the hoverboarding android deals with these obstacles in constant succession, since it needs to hunt down a thief that stole all the batteries from its village.
Trekking across the immediate landscape and beyond in this third-person auto-runner is no small order, collecting dropped batteries while avoiding contact with any possible hazard that takes away one of your lives in a single hit. Weave around huge, spiked rollers, use ramps to hop over objects, automatically grind on rails, and other such things you would expect from an auto-runner with a hoverboard gimmick. And you'll do so at a blisteringly... leisure pace. Despite Power Hover's steady march through visually minimalist backdrops, something the Unity engine seems quite adept at, it never feels like a slog. In fact, it's surprising how varied the game tries to be, regardless of how much it hits or misses the mark on several occasions.
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