Super Mario Bros. 3 |
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Super Mario Bros. 3 reviewReviewed June 02, 2008Jackie Curtis says: "There are big fish to fry in the waters of world three and even bigger brothers walk the landscape of four. In five, a spiral palace ominously leads high up into the clouds, but you won’t want to rush to get there; you’re a shoe in anyway. Six is where obstacles get downright frigid, but a sharp mind and some nifty tricks will keep Mario hammering away. It’ll take more than a pipe dream to sink the brain twisting, precision demanding puzzles of world seven. And as for eight, the final stomping grounds and home of the nefarious King of the Koopas, this author is going to have to leave you in the dark." |
Super Mario Bros. 3 reviewReview date unknownJason Venter says: "As you play through this title, you're likely to pause at least once and wonder why games aren't this good anymore. The level design is bliss, the graphics beyond good and appropriate, the music engaging, the challenge level perfect." |
Super Mario Bros. 3 reviewReviewed January 07, 2004Marc Golding says: "We miss the point. The majority of the video game demographic is comprised of young males, so it's no wonder. We are a petty, short-sighted, goal-oriented animal. When Brad asks Sheila, ''how was the sex?'' she replies emotionally, ''an hour of wondrous lovemaking,'' seemingly putting her whole being into the response. Even so, Brad won’t be impressed: ''but did you come?'' " |
Super Mario Bros. 3 reviewReviewed September 03, 2017Fiddlesticks says: "A brief bit of musing, amusing to no one if not myself, as it pertains to the great Super Mario Bros. 3." |
Super Mario Bros. 3 reviewReviewed April 09, 2005goldenvortex says: "Super Mario Bros 3 reverts back to the classic Mario formula, unlike the SMB2 disappointment. Instead of riding on the heads of enemies and picking vegetables, gamers were rewarded with a block busting, fire throwing and flying (that’s a new power) Mario. It took the basic style that SMB’s produced and worked on that, adding a new level selection, new power ups and a brand new mission for our podgy plumber. " |
Super Mario Bros. 3 reviewReviewed April 04, 2011japanaman says: "The graphics are far more detailed than the original Super Mario Bros. with a much higher color count and larger enemy sprites. There are new enemies you can hop on and ride, giant shoes to ride in (Seriously!), fire snakes, and an angry Sun. Each world has a theme, such as water, giant, ice, and sky with some enemies being unique to each world and some unique to a level." |
Super Mario Bros. 3 reviewReviewed April 25, 2004kingbroccoli says: "First up there was the absolute classic Super Mario Bros., it was a game that delighted NES owners here and NES owners there, it delighted pretty much everyone! The next game to pop out of course was Super Mario Bros. 2! It strayed off the path from everything normal and sane, giving the gamer a far more abstract look at all things Mario, despite all the quirkiness it was still a lot of fun. It would have been pretty silly to have just stopped there, so naturally Super Mario. Bros. 3 got a relea..." |
Super Mario Bros. 3 reviewReviewed September 04, 2005mariner says: "They say nothing in this world's perfect, and I suppose that's true. But there are some things out there that seem to be so flawless, so impressive, so ingenious down to the tiniest detail, that we can't help but declare them, if not perfect, then perfect enough. Take Super Mario Bros 3 for example. Not only was it light years ahead of anything that came before it, but it was light years ahead of everything that came afterwards as well. It seems like Nintendo took every detail that I think i..." |
Super Mario Bros. 3 reviewReviewed July 16, 2002ratking says: "Super Mario Bros 3 took the ideas in the first and expanded them into a much bigger, and a much better game. Sure, it isn't the first, therefor not the instant classic, however for most this is the Mario game they've put the most time in. At least it is for me. " |
Super Mario Bros. 3 reviewReviewed March 27, 2010Sepultallica86 says: "Super Mario Bros. 3 is the third installment in the Mario series, and one of his best. You take control of Mario in this platformer and are set out to save a princess from the Koopa Kids. You travel and explore eight diverse and unique worlds, with tons of new features. This is also one of Marios best adventures hes has ever been on, and a very fun one to last. " |
Super Mario Bros. 3 reviewReview date unknownsgreenwell says: "If you own a Nintendo, and you have not played Super Mario Brothers 3, do not deny yourself any longer." |
Super Mario Bros. 3 reviewReviewed February 02, 2004tomclark says: "There are certain games that become legends. Games which become the benchmark by which all others of their genre are judged. In the heyday of the NES, Super Mario Bros. 3 was such a game, and although facing fierce competition from it's SNES cousin, many people still consider Mario 3 to be the pinnacle of 2D platform gaming. Because, well, it's pretty good, really. " |
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