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All reviews posted here and updated the games played list accordingly
August 03, 2024

When I decided to switch to HonestGamers for my reviews, I was thinking that I'll copy all of them, with the probable exception of the one for Forsaken World, over here over the course of three months or so. However, I only finally managed to do so after one year and one month, though at least the last one added was that one for Forsaken World, after asking about it and being told that it is acceptable to submit such a review that is basically there for historical reference, describing how a game was at certain a point in time. And the two new reviews written during this period, those for King of Dragon Pass and Hero of the Kingdom II, are just posted here and on my blog, not also on MobyGames.

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Tactics for Empires of Arkeia
July 24, 2023

This describes the strategy I used to quickly finish Empires of Arkeia, including in legendary mode, which you unlock the same way you unlock such modes in nearly all games I know of, by completing the game in normal mode first. So it certainly works very well. That doesn’t mean that there are no better ones available, perhaps by using units that you unlock later during the normal campaign, but it was the strategy that I settled into and maintained all the way to the end of the normal campaign and then throughout the legendary one, so thought I’d also add it here, since my review of the game, such as it is, refers to it, in case somebody’d be interested, even if it’s just a little Flash game.

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