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About Me: I write about video games and horror-related items. Also, I wear a hat. |
Screw focusing on one game
I've decided to take on four games at once, as I used to. We'll see if I finish all four of them, though. I have a feeling I'm going to abandon at least two of them.
Arcania: Gothic 4 (PC)
aka Gothic, but with Sad Robots
aka The Adventures of Budget Seth Green
I've already chatted about this one, and I've made no further progress. Please see that blog post for more details.
Cold Fear (Xbox)
aka I Liked This Premise Better When It Was Called 'The Intruder Within'
aka Where Are the Fucking Save Points?
WTF am I playing?
I completed, and enjoyed (despite how arduous of an experience it was) Gothic 3. Review coming soon.
As you can imagine, I aim to end my time with this series once and for all. I obtained Arcania: Gothic 4 in 2012, and decided to install and play it tonight. And let me tell you, it's uh... interesting.
-Piranha Bytes parted ways with publisher JoWood Studios before this one came out, and Spellbound stepped in to develop it. It's obvious from the get-go that it has a different developer. I understood before going into this one that it would pretty much function like it's own game, and I'm okay with that.
-The rebel ending from Gothic 3 is treated as the canon ending. The nameless protagonist from the previous games also has a name now: King Rhobar III.
At least I'm almost done with Gothic 3
I've enjoyed Gothic 3 for the most part, despite some of its nagging flaws, but damn is it a long title. As of right now, I've put almost 80 hours into it, staying up much later than I should and losing sleep. I've become so obsessed with closing the book on PB's Gothic series that I'm engaging in unhealthy habits to get this one out of the way.
However, an end is in sight.
Gotta love old school game logic
At the beginning of Gothic 3's campaign, my first order of business was to locate a super secret hidden rebel base that no one could find, not even the orcs that conquered all of the cities in the land.
I found the base in a huge, conspicuous hole in the ground, surrounded by laborers noisily pounding hammers and sawing wood.
But none of the orcish patrols could ever find the place. Such a brilliant hidey-hole...
See title
I'm back at it. It's been a while since I've been able to ramble about what I'm playing, or what I've played, mainly because I've tightened my focus to a single game at a time. Granted, I do occasionally stray from my key title, but I mostly try to stick to one huge project before moving on.
There are plenty of titles I won't be talking about right now, but a lot that I'd like to discuss. Obviously, Cattails, Fallout: New Vegas and Dragon Age: Inquisition were some of my most recent playthroughs, as evidenced by my latest reviews. However, I also played:
Chantelise: A Tale of Two Sisters
This story doesn't have a happy ending...
First off, thank you to Marc, Jason and Rob for your kind words. I wanted to comment on my previous blog, but I figured I'd do it here.
I successfully got my cat, Mona, to keep down sixteen feedings. That was more than she had taken prior. I thought she was due to bounce back. But there was always a lingering doubt. She exhibited signs of another illness that perhaps sparked her loss of appetite, and led to her hepatic lipidosis.
Pet problems
I'm going to be taking a short break from reviewing. By short, I don't mean any more than a month or so. You see, about two months ago, one of my cats ran away from home. My older son left his window open. She used to leap up there to look outside, but must not have realized there was no pane there to stop her. My guess is she fell out and panicked, then became a resident of my neighbor's crowded property. As far as I could tell, she was living under things in his backyard for a while, and she wouldn't come back to us. He kept her well fed for a while, anyway. She was a strictly indoor cat, so her ability to survive outside was probably not terribly up to scratch (no pun intended), and eventually she stopped finding food...
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