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About Me: I write about video games and horror-related items. Also, I wear a hat. |
I came. I saw. I conquered.
I delved further into the museum, which consisted of mostly standard survival horror fare. There was one annoying scene where I had to craft a sticky molotov cocktail and attach it to a crawling creature, then wait for it to slither back to its nest. If my timing was right, the cocktail would explode and burn the nest down, thereby granting me access to the next hallway. The crappy thing was my timing was rarely spot on and the bottle exploded before he got anywhere near the nest. When that happened, I had to pad down the corridor and back to the previous room, temporarily drop some stuff from my inventory and grab the necessary items lying around: a handkerchief, tape and a glass bottle of flammable liquid. I then I had to go into my inventory and tediously combine all three of those
John Carpenter called. He wants his depiction of Lucifer back.
Pokemon Go (Android)
Niantic revamped the gyms. The combat system is the same, which is disappointing. However, the rules have changed. It's not as easy to get bumped out of a gym, and anti-spoof measures are in place to prevent cheaters from running all of the gyms in town. Yes, spoofers still can cheat their way into gyms, but it's not as easy for them anymore, especially since a new feature negates ill-gotten gains by putting a red line through Pokemon acquired through cheating.
They also introduced raids, though I haven't been on one yet. I'd like to try one in the future, especially if they allow me to nab the Pokemon I don't have yet. Sadly, the one Pokemon I hoped to show up as a raid boss, Hitmonchan, is not listed as one.
10,000,000 (PC)
The horror.......
Alone in the Dark (original)
"It didn't age well, but I'm glad I got to see where the survival horror genre got its start. It's still a classic."
Alone in the Dark 2
"Okay, okay... The combat's awful, but Grace is just adorable!"
Alone in the Dark 3
"What... is this? It's like they're not even trying."
Alone in the Dark: The New Nightmare (console)
"No. No, stop this. Bring back the Lovecraftian stuff and graphic adventure elements. You're not Resident Evil. Stop this foolishness."
Alone in the Dark: The New Nightmare (portable)
"What have you done, you monsters? What are you doing to Carnby!?"
Alone in the Dark (2008)
"NOOOOOOOO! No! I don't want Die by the Grand Theft Resident Uncharted in the Dark!"
Back to Work Edition
Vacation over. Back to work.
Pokemon Go (Android)
I evolved Croconaw into Feraligatr.
The Stanley Parable (PC)
I downloaded it and checked out as many paths as I could. It's an intriguing game with a lot of comical moments and some wonderful use of philosophy. It really didn't take long for me to have my fill, so I eventually uninstalled it and scratched this one off my backlog. I think my favorite thing was the broom closet.
A Story About My Uncle (PC)
I played through this entire game in just about one sitting (4 hours). I'm not going to write much about it here, as most of those details will emerge in my upcoming review.
Alone in the Dark (360)
Carnby and the Cursed Remake
Pokemon Go (Android)
The anniversary event kicked in, and fire and ice Pokemon are extremely common now. Because of this, I was able to evolve Quilava into Typhlosion and Houndour into Houndoom. Plus, the recent next migration put tons of Totodiles in a park close to my house. I encountered five of them, but only caught three. Just a few more and I'll have Feraligatr.
Aphelion: Graves of Earth (360)
I powered through this tedious RPG in a couple of nights. There's a New Game+ feature, but why bother? Review forthcoming.
Aphelion Episode Two: Wings of Omega (360)
Vacation Edition
I'm on vacation, so I'll have a little extra free time and more progress to report.
Aphelion: Graves of Earth (360)
Restarted, as I don't remember where I left off. My most recent endeavor saw me fleeing prison and searching for scientists held hostage in a tower. My impressions on the game so far are pretty even. Regardless of its strong points, there's something boring about the whole experience. While it plays as well as any turn-based RPG and is somewhat creative, it lacks energy. I can't put my finger on it exactly, but it feels inert.
Not A Hero (PS4)
A horror puzzle game that doesn't suck/is awesome? No way!
Pokemon Go (Android)
I evolved Sunkern into Sunflora.
Slayaway Camp (PC)
I started playing this and I absolutely adore it. There's a lot of content, too. So far, I've played through six "movies" (groups of levels) and completed the bonus "My Gory Valentine" level block. I also unlocked a fair handful of killers, including the Martian, the crazy lifeguard and the programmer.
Crypt of the Necrodancer (PC)
I completed Zone 2 with the protagonist, and pretty much got wrecked all throughout Zone 3. Seriously, this game has gotten furious. There are enemies everywhere and it's difficult to take all of their patterns into account. And heaven help you if you cross a blue dragon mini-boss. You're pretty much screwed.
Mass Effect (360)
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