Piranha Bytes games aren't just addictive, they're just about consuming.
January 02, 2019

I've enjoyed Gothic 3 for the most part, despite some of its nagging flaws, but damn is it a long title. As of right now, I've put almost 80 hours into it, staying up much later than I should and losing sleep. I've become so obsessed with closing the book on PB's Gothic series that I'm engaging in unhealthy habits to get this one out of the way.

However, an end is in sight.

I've sided with the rebels, and in doing so I've nabbed all twelve fire chalices, blessed them, returned them to their respective paladins, liberated three cities (Cape Dun, Montera and Braga), liberated Fire Clan's mines, found all of the artifacts of Adanos, returned them to the monastery and officially sided with Innos. Now, I only want to liberate the remaining cities and kill Zuben. I have a feeling the next few liberation missions are going to take me another week or so to get through. I still have four cities in Myrtana to deal with, the whole of Nordmar and all but one city in Varant.

Most recent blog posts from Joseph Shaffer...

Masters Masters - January 02, 2019 (11:56 AM)
80 hours! Being that engaged in a game is a nice problem to have. I don't think I've had that 'being consumed like a crazy person' feeling/behaviour since Call of Duty: Black Ops 2. That's a long time ago...
JoeTheDestroyer JoeTheDestroyer - January 03, 2019 (12:54 AM)
I mean, I suppose I can't complain too much. My current routine allows me to have some hobby time when I get home from work, because everyone is asleep and I'm still pretty wired. I didn't have that quite so much before.

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