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Lost: Via Domus.
June 08, 2010

This is a bad game.

Most recent blog posts from Mike Suskie...

jerec jerec - June 08, 2010 (12:56 AM)
Sure is.
dementedhut dementedhut - June 08, 2010 (09:28 AM)
I've known about this game for some time now, but I've never seen gameplay footage. Is that a good thing?
Genj Genj - June 08, 2010 (11:03 AM)
Maybe you should play a good game instead :)
jerec jerec - June 08, 2010 (02:10 PM)
If you have season 3 of LOST, you need to watch the bonus feature on the game.
Suskie Suskie - June 08, 2010 (03:49 PM)
I'll do that when I've finished the game, although can I assume that they'll try and sugar-coat it? The last thing I want to hear right now is something that attempts to make Via Domus sound even remotely good.

Pickhut: There can't be much gameplay footage to begin with when there's so little actual gameplay itself. BA-ZOING!
zippdementia zippdementia - June 08, 2010 (08:27 PM)
Ha ha ha... I avoided this like the plague. I will admit, curiousity has occasionally tempted me, but never enough to put any degree of money down for it.

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