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Author: EmP (Mod)
Posted: March 21, 2021 (05:23 AM)
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01: 27th December - 3rd January
02: 4th January - 10th January
03: 11th January - 17th January
04: 18th January - 24th January
05: 25th January - 31st January
06: 1st February - 7th February
07: 8th February - 14th February
08: 15th February - 21st February
09: 22nd February - 28th February
10: 1st March - 7th March
11: 8th March - 14th March
12: 15th March - 21st March
13: 22nd March - 28th March
14: 28th March - 4th April
15: 5th April - 11th April
16: 12th April - 18th April
17: 19th April - 25th April
18: 26th April - 2nd May
19: 3rd May - 9th May
20: 10th May - 16th May
21: 17th May - 23rd May
22: 24th May - 30th May
23: 31st May -- 6th June
24: 7th June -- 13th June
25: 14th June -- 20th June
26: 21st June -- 27th June
27: 28th June -- 4th July
28: 5th July -- 11th July
29: 12th July -- 18th July
30: 19th July -- 25th July
31: 26th July --1st August
32: 2nd August -- 8th August
33: 9th August -- 15th August
34: 16th August -- 22 August
35: 23rd August -- 29th August
36: 30th August -- 5th September
37: 6th September -- 12th September
38: 13th September -- 19th September
39: 20th September -- 26th September
40: 27th September -- 3rd October
41: 4th October -- 10t October
42: 11th October -- 17th October
43: 18th October -- 24th October
44: 25th October -- 31st October
45:1st November -- 7th November
46: 8th November -- 14th November
47: 15th November -- 21st November
48: 22nd November – 28th November
49: 29th November – 5th December
50: 6th December – 12th December
51: 13th December – 19th December
52:20th December – 26th December

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Author: EmP (Mod)
Posted: March 21, 2021 (05:33 AM)
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It's perhaps been a long time coming, but the 2021 early season sees Overdrive off to a flyer, pulling in the most podium finishes thus far, tying for top spot on points and only kept from the absolute summit by EmP's superior win column. Right on both their heels is HonetGamer, who has similarly started 2021 with a flurry of activity. He, Pickhut and Mariner at are just a single win away from pushing themselves right to the top of the list.

There's a bunch of brand new names that have entered themselves in the running; jjmccoullough, EtherealGamer and KevDaSuperb are all very much unknown quantities, just as likely to put unforseen ruins together as they are never to bee seen again. Brian's early win might be a hint towards his strongest year ever, while returnees, Nightfire and Dagoss have proven quality. CptRetroBlue's retro parade of last year has yet to take off but, if it does, he often finds a way to get into the point.

Current dark horse is Joe, who has yet to really start. But everyone should be aware that the machine will start running sooner or later. The rest of the table will be painfully aware once he does.

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Author: dagoss
Posted: March 21, 2021 (01:33 PM)
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Technically my third place review was posted in Dec, but the week ended in Jan. Shouldn't I have zero points? My strategy is to shoot for the moon--most reviews with zero points!

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Author: EmP (Mod)
Posted: March 22, 2021 (01:26 PM)
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It never perfectly lines up, but that was week 1 of 52, so you'll just going to have to take your podium finish and like it!

More to the point, I won that week, and I need those points. Ain't no way I'm rescinding that.

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Author: JoeTheDestroyer (Mod)
Posted: March 22, 2021 (09:03 PM)
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Yeah, I haven't really kicked into gear. I've been both busy with life and working mostly on AlphaMurderthon. Right now, I'm chipping away at Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines.

The only thing my milkshake brings to the yard is a subpoena.

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Author: EmP (Mod)
Posted: May 04, 2021 (01:38 PM)
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Previously, Overdrive sat pretty in second, equal on points to pack leader, EmP, and missing out on the top spot on a victory tally alone. His early form has taken a slight wobble, and he has been ruthlessly usurped by Honestgamer, who has been gobbling up podium spots in the interim. Right behind them, Pickhut has *pick*ed up two wins since the last update and has put himself right among the runners.

The other big mover has been Joe, who has been uncharacteristically slow in picking up his first win. But it's in the bank now; both he and dagoss have the potential to creep up the rankings.

Conspicuous by their absence, Vacant has yet to dirty the table with their unwanted presence. They're current sharing Position Zero with Masters. Which will break first?

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Author: overdrive (Mod)
Posted: May 05, 2021 (02:58 PM)
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Yeah, but I'm on pace to break my personal record for most 2nd places in a year. And maybe beat Joe's site record for that, as well!

I'm not afraid to die because I am invincible
Viva la muerte, that's my goddamn principle

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Author: honestgamer
Posted: May 05, 2021 (04:58 PM)
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This is a fantastic update. Thanks for continuing to inform us. It helps keep things interesting, and I feel like so far we have the potential for a really competitive year if people keep showing up from week to week!

"Too often we enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought." - John F. Kennedy on reality

"What if everything you see is more than what you see--the person next to you is a warrior and the space that appears empty is a secret door to another world? What if something appears that shouldn't? You either dismiss it, or you accept that there is much more to the world than you think. Perhaps it really is a doorway, and if you choose to go inside, you'll find many unexpected things." - Shigeru Miyamoto on secret doors to another world2

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Author: EmP (Mod)
Posted: June 28, 2021 (10:21 AM)
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MIDSEASON UPDATE – The half way point has arrived.

The second place spot continues to be the most contested. Early season saw Overdrive rooted there before he was usurped by a Honestgamer run of form that saw him relegated to third. But the tables have turned, and he’s surged right back up the table due to his unwillingness to share any silver medals with anyone. He’s well on his way to breaking the site record for second places in a season

The other big improver has been Dagoss, who has jumped three places since the last update, moving up to a respectable 5th. His aspirations to finish the season with zero points is in tatters. Refusing to move is defending champion, EmP, who has slightly increased his lead from 4 points to 5 points. That rascal. Pickhut has quietly cemented 4th place, peacefully existing in a little self-produced bubble of serenity.

Conspicuous by their absence, Masters is as likely to lay dormant for several years as he is to randomly burst back into life and put the league on blast. Joe may or may not find a way to break out of hibernation as the Halloween months draws closer. Jerec is due to randomly appear, win a week, and then vanish again. Vacant has shown up yet, and I’m glad. That guy’s a jerk.

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Author: honestgamer
Posted: June 28, 2021 (10:49 AM)
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I came along this week as the fly in overdrive's ointment, and now he was stuck taking first place while I stole one of his precious silver medals. Mwa ha ha ha ha!

"Too often we enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought." - John F. Kennedy on reality

"What if everything you see is more than what you see--the person next to you is a warrior and the space that appears empty is a secret door to another world? What if something appears that shouldn't? You either dismiss it, or you accept that there is much more to the world than you think. Perhaps it really is a doorway, and if you choose to go inside, you'll find many unexpected things." - Shigeru Miyamoto on secret doors to another world2

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Author: overdrive (Mod)
Posted: June 29, 2021 (07:28 AM)
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Not only am I potentially going to break the site record for second-place finishes -- unless Venter keeps screwing that up...-- but I think I already have more wins than in all of last year. So kudos to me or something. Just need to boot EmP out of first and I'll be able to say that apparently 2020 burned down our society enough that I'm KING OF THE ASHES!

And that's all I ever wanted out of life.

I'm not afraid to die because I am invincible
Viva la muerte, that's my goddamn principle

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Author: honestgamer
Posted: June 29, 2021 (08:24 AM)
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If I manage to prevent that from happening for you, overdrive, can I tell everyone I kicked your ash?

"Too often we enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought." - John F. Kennedy on reality

"What if everything you see is more than what you see--the person next to you is a warrior and the space that appears empty is a secret door to another world? What if something appears that shouldn't? You either dismiss it, or you accept that there is much more to the world than you think. Perhaps it really is a doorway, and if you choose to go inside, you'll find many unexpected things." - Shigeru Miyamoto on secret doors to another world2

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Author: dagoss
Posted: June 29, 2021 (11:58 AM)
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Ya'll keep giving me points! Now I'm too far behind to catch up, but have too many points to fail down. I'm doomed for a middling finish. I guess I'll have to start reviewing games people like.

... or I'll review a SaGa game. Because that's what people want.

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Author: jerec
Posted: June 29, 2021 (05:55 PM)
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Hmm, to subvert expectations, I either need to not show up at all this year, or submit 20+ reviews for the remainder of the year.

I can avoid death by not having a life.

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Author: overdrive (Mod)
Posted: June 30, 2021 (07:46 AM)
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Only if you find a way to shoehorn it into a review subject line to possibly actually out-do yourself in the field of horrible, horrible puns.

I'm not afraid to die because I am invincible
Viva la muerte, that's my goddamn principle

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Author: EmP (Mod)
Posted: September 22, 2021 (11:35 AM)
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PRE-HALLOWEEN UPDATE – when all the weird shit happens

Last update, all the action revolved around cementing second place, which was switching between Honestgamer and Overdrive frequently. There’s still a lot of time for it to be turned around but, for now, Overdrive has made that place his own through the power of consistency. As stands, nobody has claimed more podium spots than Rob, who is only a handful of points from taking the top. EmP’s more or less led the pack from the start of the season, but at no point this year has his throne looked in greater danger.

Jason’s ten points off the chase, but he’s also ten points clear of his nearest rival in Pickhut. The Pickhut/Dagoss/Mariner block is the most hotly contested, with only a couple of points between them. But with October just around the corner, a slumbering Joe is likely to awaken and see some very sudden growth.

The second place spot continues to be the most contested. Early season saw Overdrive rooted there before he was usurped by a Honestgamer run of form that saw him relegated to third. But the tables have turned, and he’s surged right back up the table due to his unwillingness to share any silver medals with anyone. He’s well on his way to breaking the site record for second places in a season.

Serial slackers, Masters and Jerec, aren’t even beating forgotten bogeyman, Vacant yet.


For us. For them. For you.

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Author: Masters (Mod)
Posted: September 22, 2021 (11:41 AM)
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Let's go Rob!

I don't have to prove I'm refined - that's what makes me refined!

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Author: jerec
Posted: September 22, 2021 (04:32 PM)
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I still have time to get one review out this year.

Playing a lot of games, but when I think about writing reviews of them, I just stare at a blank screen.

I can avoid death by not having a life.

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Author: EmP (Mod)
Posted: November 10, 2021 (07:50 AM)
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POST-HALLOWEEN UPDATE – after all the weird shit happens

October is a hell of a month for this site, and nothing throws this thing into chaos more than the horror rush. As advertised, in the space of the month, a lot has dramatically changed.

For example, the race for second place is barring a miracle, a done deal. HonestGamer had been swapping second with Overdrive most of the early season, but Rob’s been pulling away steadily for a while. Last update saw Jason still in touching distance, trying to make up a ten point gulf, but that’s nearly doubled since then. His third place spot - once an island that saw him ten points adrift of second, but ten point ahead of forth -- has also been usurped.

Has anyone had a better horror month than Dagoss? He’s leapfrogged both Pickhut and Honestgamer to usurp third. To no one’s surprise, it’s also been a productive Joe month, who has slipped just ahead of the pack grouping of Mariner, Pickhut and Brian. It’s all very tight down there, and people can go over several places in a single week of results.

It’s also been a solid month for EmP, who has extended his two points lead to seven. Who knew a month talking about the gloomy depressing side of games would work so well for him? It’s not all gloom for chaser Overdrive though; there’s still time to turn it all around and, even if he can’t quite manage, he’s already made history, breaking the record for most second place finishes in a season with a little under two months left to go.

Serial slackers, Masters and Jerec, still aren’t even beating forgotten bogeyman, Vacant yet.


For us. For them. For you.

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Author: overdrive (Mod)
Posted: November 10, 2021 (08:59 AM)
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So, I've broken the record for 2nds, Brian needs one more 3rd to break the record for that and if EmP more or less cleans up 1sts every time he writes something, it's possible for that one to be broken as well. Four off the pace with about 7-8 more weeks in the year and probably 2 of those being your RotW weeks (or is it three?) means no margin for error, but still doable.

At the least, this is a "records are made to be broken" kind of year.

I'm not afraid to die because I am invincible
Viva la muerte, that's my goddamn principle

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Author: EmP (Mod)
Posted: January 09, 2022 (03:30 AM)
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I am number one. The rest of you are all number two. Or lower.

Many records have been broken in 2021. For the first time, someone has retained the Site King crown. Overdrive has broken the silver medal haul, and Brian has taken the top spot in the most third places claimed.

Other props:

Overdrive ran this hard this year. In what started as a runaway lead from EmP, the early drama seemed to be who would place second with a back and forth battle between OD and Honestgamer. The Rob flipped a switch put massive daylight between himself and third, and can within touching distance of the top on several occasions. He was tied on points with EmP at one point, with EmP's better 1st place record the only thing keeping him up top. He's taken the most silver record, and now sits third in the all time podium placement table.

Dagoss charged up the table late season with a series of dominant wins (including writing what might be my favorite review of 2021). He's placed himself as an absolute contender for the new 2022 race.

For us. For them. For you.

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Author: dagoss
Posted: January 10, 2022 (03:26 AM)
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Congratulations. I'm not sure how I managed to write so many reviews in 2021, though I'm proud that only one didn't get me points. I'm probably going to do worse this year because my nonsense keeps getting longer.

including writing what might be my favorite review of 2021

Which one was that?

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