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Author: honestgamer
Posted: April 05, 2021 (02:06 PM) Actions: Register for a free user account to post on the forums... |
I'm back in the RotW rotation, and just in time to handle a tough week with four reviews. One of them I wrote myself, so it's out of the running. That leaves everyone else who participated to place, and I have to say: ranking things was downright tough. These were all great reads and told me about games that interest me. Good work, each of you. Now, on with the rankings...
"Too often we enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought." - John F. Kennedy on reality |
Author: EmP (Mod)
Posted: April 05, 2021 (04:43 PM) Actions: Register for a free user account to post on the forums... |
Jason goes Day 1 with his first RotW -- can he keep that kind of pace up?
For us. For them. For you. |
Author: dementedhut
Posted: April 06, 2021 (02:26 PM) Actions: Register for a free user account to post on the forums... |
Thanks for the win! Back when I got a PSVR, I was fully aware of the game's very short length, so I wasn't too keen on getting it. Though, curiosity once again got hold of me and I went for it. That's the hilarious thing about video games; you can be aware that something is terrible, but actually playing it yourself gives you quite a different take on its terrible quality.
I head spaceshit noises. |
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