Time for Spring Man's stage. He's in the upper left corner. This area is full of springs that you can bounce off of, but most areas that involve springs can be navigated easily with the Super Adaptor. Whether to use it is up to you. Right off the bat, you'll see some springs in the ground that can launch you up to get the large bolt, so go for it, then drop down to the left.
This next area is meant to get you used to bouncing. Holding the jump button will make you bounce higher/farther. Keep this in mind. Make your way right and destroy any enemies you come across. After the spikes, there's a platform you can reach with the Super Adaptor, but there's nothing up there. It's just an easier way to progress.
You can destroy this enemy to hop over and get that health pickup. Drop down to find more springs. Ceiling springs will bounce you downwards, obviously. Head down to the right and then make your way back left. Beware the enemy and drop down again. You can bounce from wall to wall here to reach the 1up. Continue down.
This enemy is basically a slinky. Others like it can crawl along springs without bouncing, so destroy them when they're in the way. Or even when they're not. Head right and then down to the next, similar area with more springs and slinky enemies. Grab the weapon energy if you need it.
Hop over this enemy. The next two are more difficult to avoid if you're not using the Super Adaptor. Keep going right. Try to make it to the ladder without dropping down with the enemy. Then proceed to the next small area and climb the ladder there. Continue on.
Beware these boxes. Enemies will pop out at you in the direction the arrows are pointing. Jumping on them will cause them to rotate. Use the Super Adaptor to hop on top of it and then up to the left, or use the springs. There are multiple ways to go here, but keep heading up and left. Grab the 1up and hop on the box a couple of times until it's pointing at the strange section of the wall.
Use the springs and/or Super Adaptor to cross over to the Hyper Bolt. Give this to Auto to reduce the prices of all of his items, and cause him to carry new items, though most of those can be found for free in levels. Head back to the previous area.
Head back down a little bit and then go right. Bounce up this narrow area using the springs. Beware the boxes and head over to the E-Tank. Drop back the way you came and this time, drop down farther and head right. Destroy the flying enemies and continue right, over the pits, using the springs.
These are more-or-less the same as the narrow springs, except they can bounce you down as well as up, depending on how you approach them. Use them to make your way up. The Super Adaptor is really useful here. Use it to make your way up to the right without bouncing off the springs on the ceiling. Head up some more, to the ladder, to finally make your way out of this room.
Take care of this guy and head up and right. Take care of the other one and head through the door for the boss.
NEXT: Shade Man