You should come here only after you have obtained the Knuckle Duster, obtained in the Lost City level.
![Shovel Knight screenshot - Knuckler's Quarry](guides/82/47680/20/161.jpg)
Head right through the area, past the horse fellow, and you'll find a wide lava pool with sand blocks along the ceiling. You can jump toward the sand blocks, then mash the buttons to repeatedly use your Knuckle Duster ability. That will carry you across the gap and you can open a chest for some gems.
Continue right to the next screen. Collect a gem on the first ledge, then use your ability to quickly jump and go flying through the next set of three sand blocks. Land on the ledge and refill your magic meter a bit, then jump forward and be ready to use your ability six times in succession to clear a wider gap.
![Shovel Knight screenshot - Knuckler's Quarry](guides/82/47680/20/163.jpg)
Ahead, you'll now see lava dripping from a ceiling, and beyond that a series of several blocks along a low ceiling. You need to jump forward so that you're falling just after the lava does. Then as you come even with the sand blocks, use your Knuckle Duster ability three more times to pass through the opening to the right.
There are birds in this area that throw explosive vials capable of destroying the sand blocks you should use to cross the wide lava pit at the room's base. Move quickly right and start hopping up the sand, then repeatedly use the Knuckle Dash move to fly to the right, grabbing gems. Jump onto the high ledge and grab another gem. Then you can drop down along the room's right side and descend a ladder.
![Shovel Knight screenshot - Knuckler's Quarry](guides/82/47680/20/165.jpg)
In the next room, there is another wide bed of lava. You have to get tricky here. Jump forward and charge through three of the sand blocks, then fall slightly left with your shovel pointed downward so that you bounce from a bubble positioned there. As you rebound upward, wait until you come even with a second set of three blocks to your left. Charge through those also with the Knuckle Duster ability to reach the ledge on the room's far left side. Then descend the ladder.
Immediately, you can open a chest for more gems. Then you need to jump and use your ability seven times in a row to charge to the right side of the chamber. Let yourself fall then, so that you land on the ledge with a magic vial. Then you should jump and use the ability another few times until you come even with a series of bubbles rising from the pit.
![Shovel Knight screenshot - Knuckler's Quarry](guides/82/47680/20/167.jpg)
Bounce along those bubbles using your downward-pointed shovel blade. You'll reach solid ground on the other side of the gap.
Head to the right from there and you'll find more gems, plus a treasure chest. Open the chest to obtain still more gems, along with a
Music Sheet. Then you can continue right to exit the stage and return to the world map.
NEXT: Frigid Flight