Is it weird that YouTuber Life...
June 18, 2017

The crux of YouTuber Life's strengths lie in the mini-game puzzler that has you piecing together symbols within numerical constraints. Not that the emotional indicators make any sense. How is a critical review always negative, and a constructive one always thoughtful?

Clearly the game is based on the ideals construct, in which completing any task automatically results in more subscribers and views, until you have to amass a million subscribers and join a network. Then videos can sometimes cost you subscribers.

Oh yes, and YouTuber Life would have you believe that paying a fine makes a copyright fault go away - it's an uncomfortable issue not explored very well. Before I get into a review of the thing, the fact of the matter is I've sunk eleven hours into the thing, and even though it's a bit of a mess, the fundamental checklist quest system is very streamlined, if idiotic.

YouTuber Life doesn't challenge you enough. So far collaborations are limited to friends and workmates, and you can't work with other youtubers. Nor is there any multiplayer aspect to speak of. The irony of pursuing a career as a fake youtuber is only emphasized by the lack of any psychological reward or accomplishment.

Go save the world. It's been done, but chances are it's got better music and more attractive cohorts. Also, less hugs and more ... everything.

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