
About Me:

I knew at an early age that I wanted to make a career out of writing about games, and now I have. You'll find most of my stuff right here on HonestGamers, of course, but don't be surprised if my name pops up elsewhere. Living out my dream keeps me very busy, and I wouldn't have it any other way!

PS3/Vita game purchases get a stay of execution from Sony
April 19, 2021

Today Sony made a proclamation and it was actually good news for a change. In a special announcement, Jim Ryan revealed the company has (mostly) reversed course on its recent decision to stop selling games from various older platforms on the PlayStation Store.

Currently, PlayStation 3, PSP and Vita games were set to disappear from the store on July 2nd (in the case of the first two) and August 27th (in the Vita's case). This has unexpectedly changed.

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Stuff you might want to buy on the PlayStation Store while you still can
April 09, 2021

I've already blogged about why I believe it is a shame the PlayStation 3, Vita and PSP software libraries will no longer be available for purchase after July 2nd (for PS3 and PSP) and August 27th (for Vita). I won't repeat all of that here. Instead, I thought it might be useful to outline some of the games you can still buy today through the ludicrously awkward PlayStation Store on your PS3 console that you won't be able to purchase after the above dates.

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Why it matters that Sony is taking away its PS3, PSP and Vita storefronts
March 28, 2021

On the NES, there is a game called Day Dreamin' Davey. It's about a young school lad who escapes into the worlds of his dreams and has adventures. I've played it before, and even recently added it to my collection. Someday, I'll probably play it a lot more. But my point in mentioning the game isn't to remind you that it exists. Rather, it's to say that if you changed the protagonist's name to Jason, it might well be a game about me.

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20 Super Nintendo Games That Need to Come to Nintendo Switch Online
November 13, 2020

Inspired by Indie Gamer Chick's (currently, as of the time I post this) ongoing dive through Super Nintendo gems of yesteryear, I decided to put together a list of the 20 Super Nintendo games I would most like to see added to the Nintendo Switch Online service to better help that service live up to its potential.

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Diminished Impact and Changing Expectations
July 07, 2020

I'm sort of going somewhere with this, but before I get to that dubious destination, please humor me as I make one of the most obvious statements in the history of obvious statements: there are a lot more video games available in 2020 than there were in 1990.

Why make such an obvious statement? For starters, I made it because I think it's easy to forget. We look at all the great games coming out these days, and sometimes the temptation is to say something like "They sure don't make 'em like they used to," which is based on a few factors but largely--to my mind--is based on the difficulty developers now have making an impact. Not a lot of new games, even some very good new games, can keep us talking about them even as little as three months after their release.

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Life Update - The Big Move
April 03, 2020

HonestGamers headquarters is moving again. By that, I mean that I myself am moving again. And since the site kind of goes where I go, so too are the site's headquarters. I have lived on the Oregon Coast for most of these last 15 years, after moving here from Central Oregon. Now I am moving elsewhere in Oregon.

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Pure Mahjong - review update
November 06, 2019

Pure Mahjong released on Nintendo Switch in July of this year, and I posted my review for it a few weeks later. It was not a favorable review because, although I liked some of what the game did, there was a lot about it I simply didn't enjoy. You can check out the review itself for more information about that.

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