
About Me:

I knew at an early age that I wanted to make a career out of writing about games, and now I have. You'll find most of my stuff right here on HonestGamers, of course, but don't be surprised if my name pops up elsewhere. Living out my dream keeps me very busy, and I wouldn't have it any other way!

Bad ass or badass?
April 19, 2010

Okay, this is starting to bug me... Folks, there's a difference between 'bad ass' and 'badass' and it's rather striking.

'Badass' is Jack Bauer. 'Bad ass' is tub girl. If you know what I mean by that, we've both seen a horrible picture on the Internet but now you get where I'm coming from. If you don't quite get what I mean, well, that's for the best... but try to use the terms properly in the future. ;-)


Notes from a deranged webmaster
April 04, 2010

Hello, everyone!

It's no secret to anyone reading blogs and forums today that there's some tension on the site. I feel that as the guy who started the site, I should comment on some of those things. This site is obviously (I would hope 'obviously' is an appropriate adverb there) very important to me, as is its community. I consider many of you my peeps, at the very least, and in many cases I consider you friends. I'd like for us to continue to enjoy that relationship for a long time to come.

On reviews...

[read the full post...]


A movie site?
April 01, 2010

Consider this post a preliminary inquiry on my part.

How many of you would be interested in participating in a movie reviews site? I know that there are movie review sites on the Internet already, but I feel that there's still room for a vibrant new movie reviews community and I'm interested in potentially getting behind a project like that.

[read the full post...]


CBS cares
March 28, 2010

Why in the world do those "CBS Cares" ads start to display on late-night television? It seems like every night that I've watched the Craig Ferguson show for the last week and a half or so, the show will be coming back from commercial break and for a third of a second or so, a CBS Cares ad will flash on-screen. I'd be really upset at the interruption to my standard viewing, of course, but Jeniffer Love-Hewitt is the spokesperson at the moment so... Yum!


Final Fantasy XIII and New Moon
March 19, 2010

I just woke up today because I didn't go to sleep until 9 this morning because I was playing Final Fantasy XIII. I've finally beaten it. Me on 6 hours of sleep is not a pretty sight, though, and of course it would be ridiculous to go back to sleep at 3 in the afternoon. I don't quite think I could.

I really enjoyed most of the last 15 or 20 hours of the game, though I was rushing through in "gotta review this" mode so some of it went less well than it would have if I took my time to just enjoy some of the spectacular stuff that happens and some of the cool places that I got to explore. I really like the game as a whole and I'm settling on an angle for a review that will likely go live at some point over the weekend, but I haven't sat down to actually write anything just yet.

[read the full post...]

1 comment

A video that simply must be seen, a writing update
March 08, 2010

This is a video that every politcally minded American should watch, so I hope that I can count on each of you to do so:

[read the full post...]


My book the cheapest you'll ever find it
March 07, 2010

Powell's is offering a used copy of "Defiant Light" for less than $6.00 right now. Some other seller is, too. If you've been thinking "Wow, I really need to pick up Jason's book one of these decades," I figure that's about as little as you'd pay for it unless I pay a bunch of money to get some copies from Xlibris and then give them away on the site one of these years. Why wait, though? Go here:

[read the full post...]


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