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About Me: I knew at an early age that I wanted to make a career out of writing about games, and now I have. You'll find most of my stuff right here on HonestGamers, of course, but don't be surprised if my name pops up elsewhere. Living out my dream keeps me very busy, and I wouldn't have it any other way! |
Sony is getting hit hard from all angles, all at once. To recap:
* Sony was lambasted for its proprietary copyright protection on CDs that allowed hackers to gain access to numerous PCs because of a security hole. This software was on its discs with no notice to consumers--or at least, notice was not widely advertised.
* Sony is in court over its use of the PS2 controller, which used a rumbling technology without permission of that technology's creator. In a worst-case scenario, it will have to send its profits for the PS2 to the damaged party. It'll probably just end up costing a few hundred million, though.
...check out this clip on YouTube. It's pretty freaking funny and it has hot women to boot!
Yes, this clip right here.
I have to admit I find it the slightest bit offensive, but I'm so busy laughing that I have to share it anyway. So, uh... if you're easily offended, it's not the best clip for you.
Well, the draft for the team tournament is underway and I still haven't been picked. Four people have been foolish enough to let my massive library of stellar reviews slip through their fingers, but what stings the most is that True--True!--has picked the lowly Zigfried instead of myself. This does not bode well for Team True. In some circles, this might be considered an act of war.
Note: this may very well be one such circle.
...I just thought I'd post here that I finished the first draft of my new novel. It's not done, of course, because a first draft is only the beginning. Still, this is reason to celebrate.
I'll be working to polish the first draft over subsequent revisions, but you should be seeing a lot more of me around here in the meantime. Writing this novel has consumed a great deal of my spare time, and I hope to make up for that with sexy (and witty) journal entries.
In case you wondered, no; I'm not stupid enough to think that this entry qualifies as "witty." I'm too tired for that, and excited. I'll save witty for later.
I know I have said it in the past, but I'll say it again: Family Guy is funny because it's random.
Tonight's episode (which I suspect was a rerun) had me laughing most of the way through, like when Adam West tried jiggling his keys out the window to distract town residents from the fact that he spent all the town money on a giant golden statue shapped like a Sugar Smacks frog.
The best part for me was when Peter said "It's like that time Moby Dick stayed with us," and it shot to a scene of Peter at the table with a whale. Moby Dick wanted raisin bran, but they only had raisins and Total cereal. Peter figured it was good enough, but Moby Dick disagreed.
Janus doesn't know it yet, and perhaps he won't notice at all, but I've beat his score at Crystal Quest by a hefty margin.
At first, I only had about 3,000,000 points and then I looked and saw that he had more than 8,000,000. This was distressing news, and I wasn't sure how in the world he managed to accomplish it until I tried the game on its most difficult setting. Then I realized that you get massive points for playing that way.
So I went through and made it to Wave 16, which handily doubled and almost tripled his best score. So now I'm the leader among those on my friends list. It feels good to be on top, oh yes!
For my own reference, I'm including an updated version of my "games I still need to get" post. The good news is that I've made a lot of progress. I'm starting this list out with the names of the games I still have to get, rather than listing all the games I already got from before. I'd like to send a big thanks out to all the game publishers who haven't been releasing many good games lately. It makes it easier to go back and catch up on the ones I missed!
Game Boy Advance
Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones
The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap
Lufia 3
Fire Emblem
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Mario Strikers
Mega Man X: Command Mission
Pikmin 2
Nintendo DS
Advance Wars: Dual Strike
Kirby: Canvas Curse
Mario & Luigi 2
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