So, I added another feature to HGWars after all...
March 16, 2009

More people should call me dishonestgamer, I guess, because tonight I made a liar out of myself and added another feature to HGWars.

This feature won't do anyone much good just yet, but it's laying the groundwork for important stuff.

It's now possible to buy a fortress. The way this works is that you have to start with the weakest fortress. You can only buy it if you meet certain requirements, which include your character level, gold required and property in your possession. From there, each upgrade has its own requirements. As you continue to improve your fortress by purchasing upgrades, you'll find that you have the capacity to recruit more mercenaries.

Mercenaries aren't implemented yet, but they will be eventually. The general plan is that each mercenary will add 3 points to a given stat, depending on the type of mercenary you hire. Once you hire a mercenary, he'll stay with you until you decide to dismiss him, so it will be a great way to improve your chances in battle on a long-term basis.

Buying a fortress will remove a set number of properties from your possession, but you'll be able to buy more to replace any that you lose if you want to bring in more income. This system ensures that it's not possible to recruit mercenaries and then not be able to afford them, so it seemed like the sensible way to go.

I hope to add the mercenaries feature soon, and after that the ability to buy weapons and armor. Then the game will be much closer to a true beta phase and we can start looking for more people to play than already do.

Anyway, I'm not sure when the 'Mercenaries' feature will be added. I doubt it'll be tomorrow, but I do seem to be addicted to adding important features so it's hard to say definitively. Anyway, that's it for tonight's update!

Most recent blog posts from Jason Venter...

JANUS2 JANUS2 - March 16, 2009 (03:21 AM)
haha, I suspected that there wouldn't be much point in buying a fortress yet, but I did so anyway. I bought the Stinky Outhouse. On my profile it says Fortress: Stinky Outhouse, but when I go to the Fortress tab it doesn't acknowledge that I own it. There's no option to sell it and the buy option has been frozen because my 4 swamp huts have been deducted.
honestgamer honestgamer - March 16, 2009 (09:11 AM)
Yeah, you won't see a 'Buy' option for the stinky outhouse ever again! The next 'Buy' option will appear for the next fortress, once you meet the requirements, and so it will go down the line. I do plan to add a little note on that page indicating what fortress you currently own to eliminate some confusion...
JANUS2 JANUS2 - March 16, 2009 (11:02 AM)
I think the healing is broken. I have enough money and it says I have successfully healed myself, but I still only have 10 health! I can only get back to full health through leveling up at the moment.

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