Stupid British woman... or really clever one?
July 06, 2009

Apparently, the new head of MI6 over in England has either an incredibly stupid wife, or a rather selfish and clever one. Seen here:

I don't know about you, but if I were appointed as head of such a secret and dangerous organization--one with capable enemies located throughout the world--I would make sure that my wife very much knew the dangers of posting pictures of me and my family, information about where we live and where we vacation on a service such as Facebook.

The move is so incredibly stupid that I can't help but think she did it in hopes that he would be stripped of his position and... I dunno, given a job as a chef or something?

Most recent blog posts from Jason Venter...

ManOWarr ManOWarr - July 11, 2009 (09:44 AM)
I'm betting she did it on purpose. She probably doesn't agree with her husband's work of choice, thinking it's too dangerous, and this is her way of "fixing" that little problem. Clever woman.
honestgamer honestgamer - July 11, 2009 (11:57 AM)
Yeah, that's one obvious response and a possibility that I definitely considered. I say it's 50/50. There are people who are manipulative in that way (I would call it incredibly selfish since a guy doesn't get to be in that high position by accident; it's obviously a goal he has worked toward much of his life) and I consider that selfish to a fault. If I were married to someone who did that and I knew it was on purpose, I'm not sure that we would stay married. Seriously. If it's accidental, well... there are a lot of people who don't think about what they're actually doing when they give out personal information online. Still stupid for someone in her position, with what I would hope would be her knowledge of security in general, but I guess it's possible. Eitehr way, she's not going to be in the running for any "wife of the year" awards.

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