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About Me: Sorry, but I haven't yet shared the information about myself that would typically display here. Check back later to see if that changes, or if I instead choose to remain an enigma. |
Okay, lately my hit count has been spiking. I try not to watch it to much, fighting the compulsion...but I can't help being curious, you know. Because I've been getting about 100 hits a day, but I haven't been able to tell exactly what.
Well, now I see it: My Xenosaga review has about 797 hits at the moment, exactly the same amount as my Xenosaga II review. I find this odd, because the last time I checked, about a month or so ago, it was only about 300 hits, and it didn't look like it was getting any higher anytime soon.
Just struck me as odd, somewhat.
Ah, another semester, another five months of dating, concerts, and possibly doing school related things.
My lineup:
Abnormal Psychology: Online class, pretty low stress as long as I check it regularly. Plus, I've been studying this subject in my spare time over the summer. Should be an A.
Spanish III: Getting tired of taking Spanish, but I ended up with the 'good' Spanish teacher, this time. I can't remember much of what I learned, but it should be easy enough to pick up. Probably a B.
British Lit: Hard to say. I'm not terribly interested in British Literature (not that there's anything wrong with it, I'm just not all 'Yippee! British Lit!' or anything) but I tend to do well in Lit classes even if I'm not trying.
Good news: I might be getting a job soon!
I got a call from Arby's requesting an interview, and I'm fairly psyched because I so rarely get that. Arby's is a good place to work as far as fast food chains go; the place is relatively clean, nice dress code, professional atmosphere. Plus, it's quite close to where I live; I could walk and be there in about an hour. Two minute drive. GREAT FOR GAS!
So, steady pay, chance for increase, having some money in my pocket...I could get used to that. I could even buy an Xbox 360! Man, I want Dead Rising so bad. SO BAD. No longer will I read Nick Evil's spec stuff and be boggled and envious of the contents. FIRST HAND.
Psyched, psyched, psyched...
I'd like to stress that what I'm about to say doesn't have anything to do with anybody. For the most part, it's been a blast working with you guys. Genj and Ursurper have been great friends, who AIM me even though I rarely have anything of value to say. Venter and Sportsman have been very encouraging and given me constant advice. Even EmP’s been supportive, in his own…unique…way. I’ve really enjoyed my time here and met good people. Except for Boo.
But I’m through being a staff member. I intend to post one more review for Xenosaga III and then…out.
There are a lot of reasons for this, but the top ones:
Indigo Prophecy
What happened was, I'd finished this review and posted it, but after doing so it occured to me that I had room for a paragraph dealing with control. So I wrote that, and added it in. What happened, though, was that I added the ENTIRE DAMN REVIEW IN AGAIN, doubling its size and giving people another reason to rightly call me a dumbass. Though I'll admit to not being the smartest person, I'd normally notice something like that. However, I was at the library, and they kicked me out before I could give it another look.
Okay, I finished Indigo Prophecy, and even wrote an intro for a future review last night (though just the intro. Bad Boys will be my next one) There were a lot of things I liked, but a handful of things I didn't like, as far as the plot's concerned (gameplay's another matter I won't get into) Some stuff I want to talk about, though, and since I can't talk about certain things in a review...spoilers...I'll just talk about them here.
Seriously, spoilers. It's a little silly to repeat that, but if comic boards have taught me anything, there's always ONE idiot who looks and says you didn't warn him. Always one.
Okay, I kinda lied when I said Indigo Prophecy sucks. Well, I mean, not a direct lie, but I did imply I'd played it when, in fact, I had not. Just trying to get EmP's disease-ridden goat, as usual.
But I'm playing it NOW, and I have some mixed feelings. Won't delve, but I will say that I like Carla except for her claustrophobia, I like Marcus except for his stereotypical blackness (why does his music sound like the theme from Sanford and Son?) and I'm kinda indifferent with Kane. I like the mood of the game, too. Creepy. Digs. Can't say I'm a big fan of the button sequences, but I'm tolerating. The part with claustrophobia, though...ANNOYING AS HELL.
Anyway, here's my list for the next few weeks. Don't know the order I'll be doing them, but I'll be doing them:
The Guy Game
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