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WTF moment of the day.
May 30, 2006

Steambot Chronicles

Alright, here’s my review for Steambot Chronicles. While it probably won’t be as popular as…RapeLay…>_>…I enjoyed the game and writing the review quite a bit. Weird fun, yeah.


Being a comic book fan, I see some odd stuff every now and then. The time Lois Lane got superpowers and immediately used them to whip Superman’s ass for no reason, that was odd. The time Spider-Man summoned a bunch of spiders to consume Shathra, the extra-dimensional spider-wasp woman, was odd. She-Hulk is nothing but weird crap (the current run is a good, funny comic, though; check it out if you have the chance)

But this…the stuff below…this hits me in a new way.

They’re called the ‘Great Ten’, and they’re basically China’s new superhero team in the DC universe.

We’ve got the Celestial Archer, has some ties to Chinese mythology. Hasn’t gotten weird just yet, give it time.

We’ve got the Ghost Fox Killer, and it just says that she “kill[s] evil men.” I get the feeling that involves sex somehow. Still not totally weird, though.

Alright, the Mother of Champions. Her superpower is…

…wait for it…

…waitfor it…

…I swear, you’d never guess it in a million years…


Wow. Just wow. I feel sorry for her. How is she even part of the team, really?

Celestial Archer: It’s a giant robot! I’ll shot it with my bow and arrow!
Great Fox Killer: I’ll seduce it!
Mother of Champions: I’ll…give birth 25 times, let the army raise my children over a few years, then hope the robot is still around!

It’s like something John Bryne would think up…yeah, nobody got that…

Anyway, that was just my WTF moment for the day.

Most recent blog posts from Zack Little...

janus janus - May 30, 2006 (08:35 AM)
So THAT'S why China has a high birth rate.
galactus21 galactus21 - May 30, 2006 (06:02 PM)
Celestial Archer looks pretty cool. And lol at the woman's power of birthing out 25 super soldiers. Pregnancy power>>>>>all lol.
Genj Genj - May 30, 2006 (08:08 PM)
Are these every three day 25 super men litters virgin births? If so does that make them Super Jesuses?
galactus21 galactus21 - June 01, 2006 (06:59 PM)
Lasthero...all I can say is you're are my hero. I love you so much for your recommendation of Ultimate Fantastic Four. I love reading it so far.
EmP EmP - June 02, 2006 (10:49 AM)
....why are they called 'Great Ten' when there's only three of them?
galactus21 galactus21 - June 02, 2006 (11:44 AM)
He didn't post all of them. If you go to the comic boards on Gamefaqs, someone has all the pictures of them.
EmP EmP - June 02, 2006 (11:48 AM)
Sounds suspiciously like work.
lasthero lasthero - June 02, 2006 (06:30 PM)
I would have posted all ten, but the rest of them are fairly mild, especially in comparison the mother of many up there. Woulda been anticlimatic. :/

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