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Back like Moses.
June 23, 2006

Suikoden V

Alright, I'm back. That took a lot longer than I had planned, but meh, real life shit popped up I return now with badass vengence. I'm a little unsure about this review; I was going for the 'sectioned but not shitty' route of this KoR round...and it's a bit longer than my recent stuff. Meh. Hopefully, it won't come off too cheesy. Or cheesy at all. That would be good.

Anyway, general observations:

-Cars was a surprisingly funny movie. I usually hate Larry the Cable Guy (though I will say that I do like the Blue Collar Comedy Tour, in small doses) but he was funny in that movie, and the movie had a lot of 'Awwww' scenes, but none of them were too corny. Just a fun movie to watch, went with my brother.

-Evangelion is the most overrated anime I've ever seen.

-I need to do a damn fanfic. I'm leaning towards Ghost in the Shell.

-I have Gnarls Barkly's 'Crazy' song stuck in my head.

That is all for now.

ADDITION: Genj's Bebe's Kids review was sweet.

ANOTHER ADDITION: Why the hell is Sonic the Hedgehog flipping off my rating?

Most recent blog posts from Zack Little...

Genj Genj - June 23, 2006 (01:07 PM)
Thanks. I liked how that one came out. Hopefully my next round KOR masterpiece will be just as good. I don't know what I'm going to do but I think I'll reference Coldplay.
galactus21 galactus21 - June 23, 2006 (03:48 PM)
Dang you trashed Suikoden in your review. I was thinking about picking it up too.
honestgamer honestgamer - June 23, 2006 (06:27 PM)
I liked the review a lot, though most of the big complaints made about the game are things I actually like. I'll chalk that up to differing tastes in RPGs.
joseph_valencia joseph_valencia - June 26, 2006 (02:44 PM)
Welcome to the "Evangelion is overrated" club!
draqq_zyxx draqq_zyxx - June 26, 2006 (06:39 PM)
Add me to the "Evangelion is not an anime - it's a drug" club. I'm sorry, but last time I checked, piling confusion on top of confusion is: confusing.
True True - June 26, 2006 (10:40 PM)
Please don't? What the fuck is that about?
lasthero lasthero - June 27, 2006 (03:18 AM)
<_< You know, that really looks out of context here...

Anyway, I'd just rather not be on your team, is all. Obviously, I can't stop you if that's what you want, but I'm just being honest when I say that I'd rather you not.
magicjuggler magicjuggler - June 29, 2006 (11:30 AM)
Evangelion sucks. This is something our gamer group has come to conclusion about; I mean, SEGA did a Neon Genesis Typing Tutorial for Dreamcast, wtf?

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