August 14, 2006

Good news: I might be getting a job soon!

I got a call from Arby's requesting an interview, and I'm fairly psyched because I so rarely get that. Arby's is a good place to work as far as fast food chains go; the place is relatively clean, nice dress code, professional atmosphere. Plus, it's quite close to where I live; I could walk and be there in about an hour. Two minute drive. GREAT FOR GAS!

So, steady pay, chance for increase, having some money in my pocket...I could get used to that. I could even buy an Xbox 360! Man, I want Dead Rising so bad. SO BAD. No longer will I read Nick Evil's spec stuff and be boggled and envious of the contents. FIRST HAND.

Psyched, psyched, psyched...

On another note, I have been thinking about my departure from the HG scene. Though I still think I need to take a break from reviewing, I'm considering whether or not I should take a break from staff.


During Summer, my access is very limited. I have to sneak on my father's computer for internet access and, when I post a review, I write it on my shoddy, non-internet computer and use crappy floppy disks to transfer it to HG. This is one of the main reasons my performance as staff has been kind of lax over Summer. I just can't get on as much.

However, with school in, I have constant access to blazing computers. I can update listings, critique reviews, do all sorts of stuff and still have time for my studies. I could even judge a few competitions. So what I'm thinking is, I can go a while without reviewing, I can focus my energies into fine-tuning the site.

Yeah, I know, it's kind of a pussy thought. XSIII would still be my last review for a while (I'm thinking I'd come back in full around the Christmas tourney) but I know I'll still be lurking around here after that. I might as well be a useful lurker, I think. And the thought of an Xbox 360 on the horizen invigorates me. I mean, have you seen that commercial for Dead Rising? It's badass. Killing zombies with a soccer ball...I mean, football...yeah.

All I can think about is zombie's and footballs...

Most recent blog posts from Zack Little...

myn_odeus_p myn_odeus_p - August 14, 2006 (01:51 PM)
You are an incredible pussy.

Now go read my Grandia review.
EmP EmP - August 14, 2006 (01:54 PM)

Don't wear red with green.

You'd have got better advice before you said soccer JUST TO SPITE EmP!
lasthero lasthero - August 14, 2006 (02:22 PM)
It was so tempting, I couldn't resist!
Genj Genj - August 14, 2006 (02:27 PM)
Your contributions have been fine if you've been without constant internet access like me and my manly desktop (laptops suck ass).

Anyway, are you really going to have time for a 360? I rarely used my consoles the last two semesters, so I'm sticking with my MANLY desktop's emulators (plus I'm gonna emulate some of my PSX collection). Why bother bringing all my stuff when I'll only have a 13" TV that I'll rarely have time to use thanks to pain in the arse biology classes? Not getting his hands on my PS2 will sadden my roommate greatly but I'm not bringing it so he can use it all night while I'm studying. We'll just have to settle for his GameCube and my copy of Smash Bros.

Also, you'd best get your own PC with an internet connection. Otherwise you miss out on such benefits as this:

lasthero lasthero - August 14, 2006 (02:43 PM)
Anyway, are you really going to have time for a 360?

By the time I save up enough spare money to buy it, I should have time. It's not like I'll dump my whole paycheck to get it or anything.

And I don't have a roommate...yet...so I'm straight.

On another note, what is it with the Japanese and pink hair?
tristis_iranica tristis_iranica - August 14, 2006 (04:12 PM)
I looked for a free bag of gummy worms because I think they're utterly divine when mixed with our precious fluids, but don't mistake me for some sort of treachorous goon.

I love you, lasthero.
janus janus - August 15, 2006 (03:15 AM)
If lasthero does step down, I volunteer to be staff. I'll even do ROTW on time!
EmP EmP - August 15, 2006 (09:08 AM)
Think on this, Janus. If you become staff, you would HAVE to leave your reviews up. All of them! What say you to that?
janus janus - August 15, 2006 (09:48 AM)
I'll just delete them all before I become staff!
asherdeus asherdeus - August 15, 2006 (10:51 AM)
I really want Dead Rising too. It's one of the first games I've wanted in a long time that I'm willing to pay full-price for.

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