New Metal Gear Rising trailer shows new characters, lots of gameplay
Metal Gear Bayovanquish gameplay.
It's TGS time, which means a new Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance trailer. And it's a good one.
The 5+ minute trailer shows quite a bit of gameplay. It looks pretty much like you've probably been expecting, which is to say, it looks awesome. It also introduces a few new characters who seem to be throwbacks to Dead Cell, the terrorist faction from Raiden's debut game, Metal Gear Solid 2.
Sundowner is a giant in an even more giant coat. (What's he hiding under there?) Mistral attaches the arms of Dwarf Gekkos to herself, probably so she can punch 16 times in the space of time where she'd otherwise only be able to punch twice. And Monsoon seems to come pre-sliced, and can break his body apart to attack and horrify. Together, they fight crime. Or something.
The trailer also shows off various gameplay mechanics, such as the slicing system and bullet time. Take a peek.
Staff article by Rhody Tobin (September 20, 2012)
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