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Available Reviews
Undercover Cops (Arcade)

Undercover Cops review (ARC)

Reviewed on February 26, 2012

Now, I don't know what the game's title, Undercover Cops, has to do with anything, since this Irem beat 'em up have zero situations that involve going under a different identity. Would've made for a humorous bonus stage, though. Thankfully, we don't play games in this particular genre for logic, and to my delight, the developers made sure to toss gamers into absurd circumstances, as has been noted with Mr. Fire Crotch.
dementedhut's avatar
Alan Wake's American Nightmare (Xbox 360)

Alan Wake's American Nightmare review (X360)

Reviewed on February 25, 2012

While there’s still undeniably appeal in the Alan Wake franchise – the story is interesting for those players willing to read between the lines, and the combat is still a blast in moderation – American Nightmare is an underwhelming follow-up that simultaneously feels abbreviated and spread too thin.
Suskie's avatar
EvilQuest (Xbox 360)

EvilQuest review (X360)

Reviewed on February 25, 2012

EvilQuest gets more than enough to justify its already low asking price, but let’s not let its Indie status colour it completely; The 360’s Indie channel regularly produces titles of great value hidden beneath the muck and Chaosoft’s effort certainly deserves to stand along side them.
EmP's avatar
WipEout 2048 (Vita)

WipEout 2048 review (VITA)

Reviewed on February 25, 2012

While so much of the game remains the same as it ever was, it’s no bad thing. What’s the point in reinventing the wheel when you can instead buff it to a gleaming neon shine then have it whirl off at 220mph.
Dr_Worm's avatar
Final Fantasy XIII (Xbox 360)

Final Fantasy XIII review (X360)

Reviewed on February 24, 2012

At least the fighting was fun — after the game had decided I'd done well enough with the remedial classes and gave me access to everything. Each character can take on a number of roles. Ravagers blitz foes with attack magic, while Commandos deliver powerful melee attacks. Other roles are more specialized, doing things like buffing party members, debuffing foes, casting healing spells and serving as tanks to protect the more frail from powerful assaults. As the game progresses, each character learns new roles, making them more versatile. With a click of a button, you can switch from a set-up with two Ravagers and a Commando to one designed to quickly heal the wounded.
overdrive's avatar
Pokemon Stadium (Nintendo 64)

Pokemon Stadium review (N64)

Reviewed on February 23, 2012

If you ever were able to recite all of the original 151 Pokémon from memory, this game is for you. If you ever got into an argument over whether Scyther or Pinsir is the better Bug Pokémon, this is the game for you. If the first Pokémon movie made you cry, this is the game for you. However, if you're still learning the ins and outs of Pokémon, try something else.
nickyv917's avatar
Rhythm Heaven Fever (Wii)

Rhythm Heaven Fever review (WII)

Reviewed on February 20, 2012

Rhythm Heaven Fever asks that you "relax and have fun." Heck, it even tells you that outright in the opening cutscene. It doesn't want you to become too absorbed or obsessed with beating a high score or freaking out when you make a mistake. Just kick back and enjoy the ride!
JoeTheDestroyer's avatar
Rayman Origins (Vita)

Rayman Origins review (VITA)

Reviewed on February 19, 2012

On the Vita’s OLED screen in particular, colors are surprisingly vibrant. Rayman is animated beautifully and so are his enemies, but the backgrounds are truly something to behold. Screenshots don’t do them justice. They often resemble the most beautiful backdrops from the most beloved of Disney animated features.
honestgamer's avatar
Sonic Colors (Wii)

Sonic Colors review (WII)

Reviewed on February 19, 2012

Whew, that was close.
nickyv917's avatar
18-Wheeler American Pro Trucker (Dreamcast)

18-Wheeler American Pro Trucker review (DC)

Reviewed on February 19, 2012

A game about big rigs? 18 wheelers driving across the United States of America? There's been plenty of unusual titles before this game's time, but still, it's not a premise you think would show up in a video game. Then again, it was made by Sega, a company that managed to turn taxi driving into a crazy activity, so if there's anyone that could make truck racing interesting, it's them.
dementedhut's avatar
Little Deviants (Vita)

Little Deviants review (VITA)

Reviewed on February 17, 2012

Little Deviants could have been a decent game, even without a multi-player component, but the mini-games are often challenging because of their imprecise controls, not thanks to designer ingenuity. It’s difficult to forget that most of what you find here wouldn’t be nearly as difficult if it used the available analog stick rather than forcing you to play around with the Vita’s more unique features.
honestgamer's avatar
Final Fantasy XIII-2 (Xbox 360)

Final Fantasy XIII-2 review (X360)

Reviewed on February 17, 2012

Final Fantasy XIII may have been a commercial success, selling millions of units around the globe, but it also could also be considered one of this generation’s biggest disappointments. It wasn’t so much that the game was bad, just that a number of fundamental concepts which make Final Fantasy games so enjoyable were stripped away.
Beck's avatar
Pokémon Rumble Blast (3DS)

Pokémon Rumble Blast review (3DS)

Reviewed on February 16, 2012

Want to beat up Toy Pokemon? This may be a game for you then!
Doublethree1's avatar
Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus (PlayStation 2)

Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus review (PS2)

Reviewed on February 16, 2012

While Sly Cooper occasionally shows glimpses of stealth, it just doesn't do enough to be called a stealth game. It's a decent action game, and a very good platformer. But, a stealth game, it isn't.
nickyv917's avatar
Michael Jackson: The Experience HD (Vita)

Michael Jackson: The Experience HD review (VITA)

Reviewed on February 15, 2012

While Michael Jackson: The Experience HD is an engaging experience as far as it goes, there’s just not enough of it. Anyone who is happy that there are only 15 songs probably shouldn’t be buying the game in the first place, and fans who totally dig what Ubisoft has done here will probably wish for two or three times the number of selections.
honestgamer's avatar
TNN Motorsports Hardcore Heat (Dreamcast)

TNN Motorsports Hardcore Heat review (DC)

Reviewed on February 15, 2012

When the Dreamcast was released in the U.S. on September 9, 1999, it had a bevy of varied launch games to back it up. Some were titles everyone knew and had to get, like SoulCalibur and Sonic Adventure, then there were the rest, the "second choices" that spanned many genres: action, racing, sports, and so on. It was easy to get lost in the shuffle, fallen to obscurity, and it happened with quite a few. Hardcore Heat was such a GD-ROM, an off road-ish racing game of the arcadey kind.
dementedhut's avatar
Godzilla 2: War of the Monsters (NES)

Godzilla 2: War of the Monsters review (NES)

Reviewed on February 15, 2012

Welcome to Godzilla 2, where every mission is a tedious uphill struggle against a collection of nearly undefeatable colossi. Not unless you want a jaw-jacking challenge with little reward will you find this game entertaining. The first mission will be enough to convince most to stop playing all together and forget that Toho ever developed their own Godzilla game.
JoeTheDestroyer's avatar
Homefront (PlayStation 3)

Homefront review (PS3)

Reviewed on February 14, 2012

I stopped expecting First Person Shooters to be marathon slogs a long time ago, but I don’t think I’m ready to expect them to stop being good.
EmP's avatar
Final Fantasy XIII-2 (PlayStation 3)

Final Fantasy XIII-2 review (PS3)

Reviewed on February 14, 2012

There seem to be many who think that just because a game has high production costs it should automatically have a grade of average or higher, especially when it comes from Square Enix. But people should have learned by now that high production values do not make a good game. Competent script writing and involving gameplay have been sacrificed once again for pretty graphics.
Sise-Neg's avatar
Dear Esther (PC)

Dear Esther review (PC)

Reviewed on February 14, 2012

Dear Esther is barely a videogame by any conventional sense of the term and approaching it like one will lead to nothing but frustration. But if you're lucky, it clicks, not as a game but as a powerful and moving emotional experience.
Malygris's avatar

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