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0-D Beat Drop review (X360)Reviewed on April 25, 20100-D Beat Drop sets itself up as a fusion of rhythm and puzzle games, but the way it handles music doesn't fundamentally change the structure of its source material. No matter how many modes it throws at you, this is still an easier remix of Puyo Puyo with a different skin. |
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Just Cause 2 review (X360)Reviewed on April 25, 2010Just Cause 2 doesn’t rely on things that go boom. Instead, the game succeeds by delivering moments that are intense, surreal, and will push players off the edge of their seats in cool and unexpected ways. |
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Just Cause 2 review (X360)Reviewed on April 24, 2010I don’t entirely know what Just Cause 2 is about. I know it concerns some islanders with very silly accents grouping up against a corrupt government, but I couldn’t delve into further details, nor even confirm the very presence of details at all. Come to think of it, I’m not even sure what the main character’s name is; I always called him Tuco, because he sounds exactly like Eli Wallach from The Good, the Bad and the Ugly. But never mind. What’s important about him is that he’s go... |
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AGAIN: Interactive Crime Novel review (DS)Reviewed on April 24, 2010Again is the latest (and maybe last) interactive novel game from Cing, the developers of Trace Memory and Hotel Dusk. Such a pedigree makes this game even more disappointing than it otherwise would be. |
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Let's Draw! review (DS)Reviewed on April 24, 2010Let's Draw! includes a variety of fun shapes, too, things that kids would actually care to draw. You can start out simple just by drawing a few lines—and the game will congratulate you on your artistic prowess—then move up to something more complex like a proper circle or a bicycle or one of several types of dinosaur. The folks who made the game clearly knew their audience and worked to keep them happy and engaged. |
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Sam & Max: The Penal Zone review (PC)Reviewed on April 24, 2010If there was ever any doubt that Telltale were anything but borderline insane, then the first ten minutes of Sam & Max: The Penal Zone put that firmly to bed. |
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Mario's Tennis review (VB)Reviewed on April 24, 2010Mario's Tennis is Mario’s Tennis. It’s what you’d expect. It's a basic tennis game featuring characters from the Mario series. Oddly, though, it's one of the better Virtual Boy games. |
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Resonance of Fate review (PS3)Reviewed on April 24, 2010"Accept the mission for the future of Medicine! ...I kid. It's a simple job you do to while away the time". A line by a man in a lab-coat that gives the "hunter" trio another side-quest to complete. |
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Shattered Horizon review (PC)Reviewed on April 23, 2010Shattered Horizon is certainly an original and unique addition to the FPS genre, but the lack of content and variety, the small number of players online and the lack of Windows XP support make it a difficult title to recommend. |
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How To Train Your Dragon review (X360)Reviewed on April 23, 2010As you spend time outside of the arena with your dragon, whether that be training in the cave or playing mini-games that you have unlocked at a distant cave, your over-sized pet will grow weary. That can quickly impact its performance, so you have to scrounge up grub to feed the beast so that he will trust you and fight his best on your behalf. There's no real challenge to the process; you simply need to have the patience to wander the islands in circles as you hack apart the chickens, sheep and boars. You have to be ready to stop and dig under every rock, to slowly pull up one vegetable or flower at a time and then to wander back to your home to stuff your dragons full of goodies. |
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Battlefield: Bad Company 2 review (PS3)Reviewed on April 23, 2010The game's limited scope comes with a pleasing silver lining, however: destructible environments. Games have made attempts along those lines in the past, but Bad Company 2 takes the beautiful chaos to an unusually involving level. For example, one stage finds the player holed up in a wooden shack as a tank and gunmen approach from the far side of a field. It's possible to duck behind the wooden walls, then to peek out and fire shots at the approaching goons. Hiding out offers only limited protection, though. Your enemies will shred your shelter with bullets, until finally you're standing in a husk of your former stronghold. That's not an isolated example, either. |
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Sakura Wars: So Long, My Love review (PS2)Reviewed on April 22, 2010One definitely has to give credit to the Japanese for their ability to appeal to a wide range of sexual tastes. There’s a female here for everyone. There’s the plucky and inexplicably clumsy redhead, the big-breasted and flirtatious blonde maid, the fiery black-skinned beauty, and a ten year-old. These, and other women, will team up with the Japanese hero to form the Combat Theater Revue to promote justice through the art of song and dance... and occasionally through dedicated missile strikes. |
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Resonance of Fate review (PS3)Reviewed on April 21, 2010For the most part, this battle system works wonders and it lends Resonance of Fate a fair portion of its charm. When you're able to stop thinking about all of the strategy that goes into perfectly executing a massive assault on powerful enemies, you're able to stop and (mostly) enjoy some of the most visually stimulating combat ever featured in a JRPG. You're characters run, jump, flip and whirl through interactive arenas, participants in a bullet-riddled ballet. |
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Assassin's Creed review (PC)Reviewed on April 20, 2010Ruthless, if at times overaggressive, protagonist Altair must use his swords, his agility, and occasionally his brain to save the world. Ubisoft has proven once again that they may be the finest and most creative development group in the market today. Although Assassin's Creed suffers from its share of game design flaws, the overall experience is a testament to the fact that you don't need to do everything right as long as you most things incredibly well. |
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Ace Combat Zero: The Belkan War review (PS2)Reviewed on April 20, 2010Diving back into a standard Ace Combat game after coming off the high Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War was riding on was tough. This was made more difficult when I realized Ace Combat Zero: The Belkan War wasn't really up to par in certain aspects. The most obvious being the plot. Now, I wasn't expecting it to be as great as the one featured in AC5 (would have been a definite plus, though), but considering this game took place during the Belkan War, which, in AC5, was basically talked about a... |
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NCAA Football 07 review (XBX)Reviewed on April 19, 2010Many games these days include other games within them. Like the proverbial play within the play, these games distract the player and provide additional amusement for their developers by adding often unrelated or alternate-genre material into a game about something totally different. We see this quite prominently in a game like Bioshock with its unending number of hacking minigames, and it has a certain appeal, especially when well done. What we see less of, unfortunately, is the game that is not... |
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Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Conviction review (X360)Reviewed on April 19, 2010Where Conviction diverges from its predecessors is in pacing. Guards in previous titles didn’t know what they were up against; at the player’s discretion, they often didn’t even know they were up against anything at all. On the flipside, Fisher’s enemies in Conviction know exactly who he is. They know his reputation. They scream profane threats at him when they can feel him in their midst. They don’t like him, but the feeling is mutual. Fisher is no longer a patient, calculating government agent. He is a rogue operative uncovering a conspiracy involving the death of his daughter and he’s out for blood. |
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SBK: Snowboard Kids review (DS)Reviewed on April 17, 2010In our modern society today, life has become too urbanised: you get up in the morning in the inner city or suburb, ready yourself with a breakfast and a shower, and then commute for upwards of an hour or higher so you can continue your struggle in the rat race that is life. Sometimes you just need to kick back and find something to distract you, whether it be an internal process such as meditation or external entertainment like watching sports on TV. |
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Trog review (NES)Reviewed on April 15, 2010Trog has been unfairly admonished as being a Pac-Man rip-off. Someone please explain how a game with a slew of power-ups, more enemy attack behaviors, three unique bonus games, and more intricate level design can constitute being a "rip-off." Sure, the main idea is the same - in this case you play as a dino (Pac-Man) as you navigate through single screen mazes while robbing eggs (pellets) from one-eyed cavemen named Trogs (ghosts), who would like nothing more than a nice, juicy d... |
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Blue Toad Murder Files: The Mysteries of Little Riddle review (PS3)Reviewed on April 14, 2010If you've heard of Blue Toad Murder Files: The Mysteries of Little Riddle, it was probably mentioned in the same breath as the Professor Layton series, and for good reason. Blue Toad Murder Files takes obvious inspiration from the Professor Layton games. As one of four detectives from the Blue Toad Agency, you arrive in the town of Little Riddle at the beginning of the first episode. Almost immediately, you witness the murder of the town's mayor (the game is called Blue Toad Murder Files, after all). From there, you're tasked with wandering from place to place, questioning people and solving random puzzles until they eventually lead you to the killer. |
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