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Available Reviews
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (SNES)

The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past review (SNES)

Reviewed on January 08, 2006

How does one write such a review? How does one begin? We can start by declaring this one of the three best games available on the SNES. Its game mechanics are all but flawless, creating a smooth and exciting game that never slows down or gets boring. We can compliment the somewhat unique design, the essence of which was never quite captured by the numerous clones it spawned. And we can gush over all the little cool things, like the epic story and excellent rendition of the Overworld theme. ...
mariner's avatar
GUN (GameCube)

GUN review (GCN)

Reviewed on January 06, 2006

Life's never been fair, it'll never be fair, and it sure as hell wasn't fair in the Wild West. But that’s Gun: true to the real.
lasthero's avatar
Mega Man X3 (SNES)

Mega Man X3 review (SNES)

Reviewed on January 05, 2006

When you first dash through the stages, which initially seem massive and at times empty of anything interesting, you’ll wonder if Capcom bothered to hide any special treats at all. Then you find that one heart container, nestled securely in the chamber you must’ve passed through fifty times, and you get a feel for how devious the level design crew really was.
honestgamer's avatar
Suikoden Tactics (PlayStation 2)

Suikoden Tactics review (PS2)

Reviewed on January 04, 2006

But don’t start thinking that this is just your standard war game, because that’s the kind of thinking that gets your ass kicked. Suikoden Tactics has some surprises.
lasthero's avatar
Mega Man X2 (SNES)

Mega Man X2 review (SNES)

Reviewed on January 04, 2006

Every last one of those zones now has a hidden chamber. There, you can meet with the ones who seek to reassemble Zero, and battle them for supremacy and a piece of your old comrade. These battles are nasty, some of the most challenging in the game, and the best part is that some players won’t ever find them, not even a single one.
honestgamer's avatar
Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble (SNES)

Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble review (SNES)

Reviewed on January 04, 2006

To be fair, I only played DKC3 because I wanted to complete the trilogy. It’s quite ironic that I actually had the nerve to pick up this one, considering how unimpressive I found the previous title. However, after I played through the first nonchalant levels of DKC3 and had same impressions that I had last time around but as I delved deeper into its offerings, I found DKC3 to be a quirky platform game that surpassed its younger brother by taking the good of DKC2. They then reinforced that wi...
goldenvortex's avatar
PoPoLoCrois (PSP)

PoPoLoCrois review (PSP)

Reviewed on January 02, 2006

The story clearly isn't intended to be deep or complex. True to the oldschool RPG spirit, PoPoLoCrois's plot provides just enough backbone to support an adventure based around cute atmosphere and fun gameplay... and it's got both in spades.
zigfried's avatar
Mega Man X: Command Mission (GameCube)

Mega Man X: Command Mission review (GCN)

Reviewed on January 02, 2006

Mega Man has always been, traditionally, a side scrolling platformer which involved shooting other robots with your arm cannon until they explode. There have been few exceptions to this formula, and Command Mission is one of them.
gmsephiroth's avatar
Tony Hawk's American Wasteland (PlayStation 2)

Tony Hawk's American Wasteland review (PS2)

Reviewed on January 02, 2006

There’s a saying about rockstars that I think applies to everyone in a creative field; it’s better to burnout than fade away. Perhaps it’s time for Neversoft to step aside and let someone else carry the torch. Preceded by Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 1-4, Tony Hawk’s Underground (THUG), and THUG2, American Wasteland is the seventh in this renowned skateboarding franchise, discounting cross-console remakes. After the outcries against the lunacy of THUG2, American Wasteland promised a return to the root...
pup's avatar
Tech Romancer (Arcade)

Tech Romancer review (ARC)

Reviewed on January 02, 2006

Capcom has always been a company to produce excellent and well known fighting games, like Street Fighter and Marvel vs. Capcom. But every once in a while, the folks at Capcom will release a game that is released quietly and with little fanfare, and dies out without so much as a whisper. Tech Romancer is one of those games. Even though it never became a popular title like most other Capcom fighting games, this game is a fun alternative that will surely empty your pockets. Tech Romancer is a giant...
gmsephiroth's avatar
WWE SmackDown vs. RAW 2006 (PlayStation 2)

WWE SmackDown vs. RAW 2006 review (PS2)

Reviewed on January 02, 2006

Smackdown, first released on the Playstation console almost six years ago, has become THQ's flagship wrestling franchise. Since then, the game has been released annually, like traditional sports games. Last year's game, the original Smackdown vs RAW brought many new aspects to the table that shattered all predecessors,. Smackdown vs RAW 2006 promised to do the same. However, as great as the game is, it takes as many steps backwards as it does forwards.
sayainprince's avatar
Wrestle Kingdom (Xbox 360)

Wrestle Kingdom review (X360)

Reviewed on January 01, 2006

Microsoft's conquest of Japan begins here. Designed to appeal specifically to local gamers and developed by genre specialists Yukes, Wrestle Kingdom features the combined talents of the All Japan, New Japan, and Pro Wrestling NOAH leagues.
midwinter's avatar
Mega Man X (SNES)

Mega Man X review (SNES)

Reviewed on January 01, 2006

New to the series are blue pods left behind by the now-deceased Dr. Light, the scientist who created X. These are located in out-of-the-way places that you really have to search extensively to find. Collect them and you’ll be able to break blocks with your helmet, double your armor’s resistance and even use secondary functions or charged shots for each of your special abilities.
honestgamer's avatar
Beyond Good & Evil (Xbox)

Beyond Good & Evil review (XBX)

Reviewed on January 01, 2006

Just who are telling the truth and who are the traitors? Jade, and ultimately, you, will have to see this through your photographic lens to believe it and expose it to Hillys before it's too late.
EmP's avatar
Idols Galore! (PC)

Idols Galore! review (PC)

Reviewed on January 01, 2006

Then, quite suddenly and also improbably, Kuro decides to have sex with his assistant (whom he has been neglecting). This triggers a series of sexual encounters that occur almost non-stop for the next hour or so, until the game ends. So, to recap: you start playing and see almost nothing, get really bored, then get a mind-numbing rush of nudity toward the end that almost takes away any of the enjoyment.
honestgamer's avatar
Theme Hospital (PC)

Theme Hospital review (PC)

Reviewed on December 31, 2005

Theme Hospital is the kind of game one could own their entire life and never complete. In fact, I’ve restarted this sim almost every year since its release and have yet finished. The creativity alone keeps me coming back for seconds, but, regrettably, I always rediscover what turned me away in the first place. This is a title that could be installed, uninstalled, and even reinstalled, but the concluding level would forever remain elusive.
evilpoptart937's avatar
Gaiares (Genesis)

Gaiares review (GEN)

Reviewed on December 30, 2005

Zigfried Ages 2500 Volume 1: Gaiares
Across a series of 5 or 6 ads spanning SEVERAL YEARS, we learned important things like how to pronounce the name "Guy-Are-Us" (no comment) and we got to watch "professional gamer" Jamie Bunker fumble his way through puberty. The interesting thing about Renovation's misguided and ridiculously extensive ad campaign is this: Gaiares is actually pretty damn awesome.
zigfried's avatar
Castle of the Winds (PC)

Castle of the Winds review (PC)

Reviewed on December 30, 2005

Castle of the Winds is an archetypal Rogue-like dungeon-crawler, a forgotten relic of the bygone shareware days. Charmingly straightforward like other games of its ilk, it dispenses with trivialities like a convoluted plot, rich milieu, and stunning visuals. Briefly put, it’s about killing things.
viridian_moon's avatar
Soulcalibur III (PlayStation 2)

Soulcalibur III review (PS2)

Reviewed on December 30, 2005

lasthero's avatar
L.A. Rush (PlayStation 2)

L.A. Rush review (PS2)

Reviewed on December 30, 2005

When I’m speeding through Los Angeles and I look behind to see twenty cops cars in hot pursuit, I half-expect a jazz band to start playing.
lasthero's avatar

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