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Available Reviews
Knights of Xentar (PC)

Knights of Xentar review (PC)

Reviewed on August 07, 2004

Drunk, horny, and stupid is no way to go through life. Yet that’s exactly how we see Desmond, the main character of Knights of Xentar. Strictly English-speaking players have little way of knowing he’s actually a hero twice over, saving fair maidens from the clutches of the Xentar Knights in his first adventure and saving fair maidens from the clutches of the vain Queen of Mesaanya in his next. When Desmond makes his American debut in this RPG, his third video game outing, he’s soused ...
woodhouse's avatar
OutRun 2 (Arcade)

OutRun 2 review (ARC)

Reviewed on August 02, 2004

I went into the arcade just because that is what I do. If I see an arcade, no matter where, I am compelled to enter. The draw is too strong. The sounds, the colours, the feel, the smell ; it's too much for me to resist. Often times I am dissapointed. Perhaps I might find an old forgotten game that no longer works. Perhaps I find nothing but dancing games. Perhaps I only find one-arm bandits. I admit that I was expecting not to see anything more than standard arcade fare this time.
cheekylee's avatar
Jurassic Park: The Lost World (Arcade)

Jurassic Park: The Lost World review (ARC)

Reviewed on August 01, 2004

I usually dislike games that are based on movies, especially if the game seems to follow every aspect of the movie accurately. The gameplay is just a rundown of what you’ve already seen and you know how the story is going to be resolved and also you know the twists in the story. However, a lot of movie games nowadays tend to lead off from the main story and create sub-stories that follow the real plot from behind.
goldenvortex's avatar
Beyblade: Let it Rip! (PlayStation)

Beyblade: Let it Rip! review (PSX)

Reviewed on July 31, 2004

Do you want the manifestation of hell along with an agony that not even torture could dish out, all bundled up in a CD plus case for the low price of $14. 99? Look no further, for what you want is all in a relatively unknown Playstation game known by the title Beyblade! It’s guaranteed to make you retch, grab your head and repeatedly hit it on your controller to make the pain end, and convince even the most optimistic of people that there is no hope for humanity. If it doesn’t, well, you ...
yamishuryou's avatar
Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast (PC)

Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast review (PC)

Reviewed on July 31, 2004

Star Wars is terrible. Not just those recent iterations, but the entire series. Rich science fiction settings and intriguing elements of fantasy are painfully mixed together with infantile philosophy and a massive, unforgivable layer of cheese. Being the self-controlled guy that I am, I managed to dive into the videogame rendition of the Star Wars universe by way of the oft-vaunted Jedi Outcast, without letting my previously formed opinion of the franchise affect my newly formed opinion o...
radicaldreamer's avatar
Ecco the Dolphin (Sega CD)

Ecco the Dolphin review (SCD)

Reviewed on July 31, 2004

Adolescence is a difficult time for girls and boys. Apparently it's a difficult time for bottle-nosed dolphins too, as our young hero Ecco finds himself violently hurled into a quest to establish his own identity and independence while saving the entire dolphin species from the carnivorous alien race ''Vortex'' with little more than his own human-surpassing intelligence and the ability to explode voracious hammerhead sharks by squealing at them in his adorable dolphin voice: ''Eeeeeeeee!'' ...
lilica's avatar
Final Fantasy X (PlayStation 2)

Final Fantasy X review (PS2)

Reviewed on July 30, 2004

Final Fantasy X reached down a mighty, benevolent hand and pulled a faltering series from the tepid water in which it was drowning. Years of terrible indiscretions were forgotten in an instant, as the epic quest of Tidus and Yuna banished former Final Fantasy failures to the backs of minds everywhere. Earlier instalments of this perennial series had been keen to show off a “newfound maturity”, bombarding us with hour upon hour of overbearing melodrama, and “romances” seemingly plucked from the p...
kingbroccoli's avatar
Sabre Wulf (Game Boy Advance)

Sabre Wulf review (GBA)

Reviewed on July 30, 2004

That game was announced way back in 2001 and is finally here after a long wait. After his adventure 15 years ago on Commodore 64, Sabreman is back to chase the Sabrewulf once again. This time, the wulf which was sealed away in a statue was freed by Dr. Doo-Little-Goode to achieve his evil plans. Now the country relies on Sabreman to restore peace once again and seal back the wulf. A bigger adventure awaits our hero this time.
wishingtikal's avatar
The Getaway (PlayStation 2)

The Getaway review (PS2)

Reviewed on July 29, 2004

It's crap living in Britain. Truly dire. We have finally gotten rid of the Black Death, but we're still plagued by the mind-numbing scenery, the vomit-inducing food, and the jaw-dropping idiocy of the vast majority of our population. Worst of all though is that unchanging, unescapable chalk-grey sky; I'd go so far as to say it is the sole reason that life in the United Kingdom is so unbearably fucking grim.
autorock's avatar
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Xbox)

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles review (XBX)

Reviewed on July 29, 2004

In early stages, the game likes to present you with common ‘purple dragon’ street thugs. They’re every bit as foolish as their name implies. Many times, they’ll dawdle at the entrance to alleys, lined up like bowling pins and waiting for you to roll in for the strike. If they counter at all (and they do as you ratchet up the game’s selectable difficulty levels), you can usually just zip out of the way with a dash, or be sure that your sword is sticking out when they charge with pieces of pipe brandished like clubs.
honestgamer's avatar
Mad Paradox (PC)

Mad Paradox review (PC)

Reviewed on July 28, 2004

To play Mad Paradox is to step into a world of mediocrity. It’s an RPG that skimps on all the ingredients that can make an RPG great. The battles are neither unique nor exciting, you’re given only an excruciatingly tiny area to explore, and there isn’t any engrossing story or character development. The makers of this title decided to forego all those amenities, instead placing an emphasis on pleasing the viewer’s visual receptors. To captivate its audience, Mad Paradox reli...
woodhouse's avatar
Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance (Game Boy Advance)

Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance review (GBA)

Reviewed on July 28, 2004

The first video gaming system I owned was an Atari 2600. You could play ports of a vast majority of that time period’s most beloved arcade games on that classic system. Of course, since the Atari 2600 wasn’t the most powerful thing around, those ports weren’t exactly identical to the original. Graphics and sound were simplified as much possible and a decent number of things from the arcade game would be left on Atari’s cutting-room floor. Hell, that system couldn’t even include the fruit from th...
overdrive's avatar
Viper (Apple II)

Viper review (APP2)

Reviewed on July 27, 2004

Honestly, the only reason to keep playing is for that next high score (which you can thankfully save to disc). There’s just nothing else to motivate you, since the best part of the graphical presentation is the title screen, and since sound is limited mostly to the ‘beeeoooooop!’ sound you’ll hear when you smash into yourself after a chain of mini-feasts.
honestgamer's avatar
Gate of Thunder (Turbografx-CD)

Gate of Thunder review (TGCD)

Reviewed on July 25, 2004

Gate relentlessly rocks hard and intense, whether it's level one's appropriate 'let's get it on' tone, or level two's melancholy 'this could get sticky' tune, or level seven's 'you know what must be done' closing track. Never before have I been so into a shooter, and perfect weapon system and engaging enemies aside, the music lends the greatest hand to selling me on this purest excitement. Pure, because there is no nostalgia at work (the game is wholly new to me), no feelings of collector's pride (I bought it manual-less and case-less), no feelings of being on the cutting edge (it's a decade old). The exhilaration is as genuine as it gets.
Masters's avatar
Need for Speed: Underground (PlayStation 2)

Need for Speed: Underground review (PS2)

Reviewed on July 23, 2004

The Need For Speed series has always been about exotic cars on sunny, scenic roads. However, straying far from the beaten path, this installment takes you to the cold, underground world of street racing.
heroofthewinds's avatar
Final Fantasy VII (PlayStation)

Final Fantasy VII review (PSX)

Reviewed on July 23, 2004

Remember the good ol’ days before RPGs were cool? Days when you’d be controlling tiny, blocky characters through a game with little story beyond destroying the forces of evil?
overdrive's avatar
Street Fighter (Arcade)

Street Fighter review (ARC)

Reviewed on July 21, 2004

sho's avatar
Double Dragon (Atari 2600)

Double Dragon review (A2600)

Reviewed on July 21, 2004

You’ve got to give Activision credit for ignoring both the hardware’s obvious limitations and a dose of common sense to throw caution to the wind and attempt it anyway. Pity that you can’t give them credit for the game itself.
sho's avatar
Friday the 13th (NES)

Friday the 13th review (NES)

Reviewed on July 21, 2004

The NES adaptation of Friday the 13th takes this laughably awful (and sometimes merely “awful”) saga full of campy dialogue, bloody hatchets and lacy perfumed underthings, only to cast them aside in favor of an awkward mix of action and strategy.
sho's avatar
Mega Man X3 (SNES)

Mega Man X3 review (SNES)

Reviewed on July 21, 2004

The prolificness of Mega Man X3 is something that very few games can stand up to. It is clear-cuttedly the sleek and shiny diamond of Capcom’s notorious Mega Man X series, having just rebounded off the lusterless sapphire known as Mega Man X2. Orgasmic platforming festiveness doesn’t come in a better configuration of recreation than this, and a player will find this credible as they sink into the addicting gameplay like a weight worker at late night into a boiling tub.
yamishuryou's avatar

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