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Available Reviews
Where's Waldo? (NES)

Where's Waldo? review (NES)

Reviewed on April 27, 2003

siegfried's avatar
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon (PlayStation 2)

Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon review (PS2)

Reviewed on April 26, 2003

No, multi-player doesn't truly shine until you unlock cooperative levels. This is done by completing those same levels in the single-player mode. Once that's done, the game suddenly doubles in value. Whenever a new friend comes over, the two of you can take on some missions together and lose a few hours without even realizing they went anywhere.
honestgamer's avatar
Castlevania (NES)

Castlevania review (NES)

Reviewed on April 26, 2003

Castlevania, considered by many as one of the best action series Konami came up with, made its debut on the NES when Simon Belmont, a guy with time and guts to spare, thought about defying Lord Dracula in his old and crumbling castle. Like most gamers who indulge in action games (who doesn't?), I too am a fan of the Castlevania series. It may not look like it since I'm about to bash the original title, but I adored the SNES and Genesis titles, and while I wasn't particularly enthralled wi...
siegfried's avatar
Tekken 4 (PlayStation 2)

Tekken 4 review (PS2)

Reviewed on April 26, 2003

Had it not been for Namco and its stupendous Tekken series, Sony's console would surely have been ignored by fighting enthusiasts. While Sega's Dreamcast kept getting faithful ports of Arcade classics (of which there are too may to list!), the PlayStation could barely oppose some resistance with some of the same titles getting horrible conversions (without mentioning how it lacks a proper additional joystick for fighters). Thankfully, PSX enthusiasts could always revert back to the...
siegfried's avatar
Super Puzzle Fighter II (Game Boy Advance)

Super Puzzle Fighter II review (GBA)

Reviewed on April 24, 2003

While you're puttering about on your half of the screen, your opponent is on the other side doing the same thing. Whenever you score a combo or string of combos, blocks will be rained down on your opponent. These blocks do not solidify for around 4 or 5 drops of other blocks, yet they quickly build up on the screen and make things difficult for your dastardly foe.
honestgamer's avatar
Metroid Fusion (Game Boy Advance)

Metroid Fusion review (GBA)

Reviewed on April 24, 2003

A general situation is that you save and refill your life, find a new boss, die, return with a strategy, die after almost winning, then come back a third time and find victory. There's never a feeling that the game is handing you the next upgrade on a silver platter, and only seldom are you likely to feel truly overwhelmed. Even then, victory might be yours the next time you try.
honestgamer's avatar
Panzer Dragoon Orta (Xbox)

Panzer Dragoon Orta review (XBX)

Reviewed on April 21, 2003

Orta takes everything its predecessors had to offer, polishes it until it shines, and then fancies it up with glitter paint and elbow macaroni. It’s just as breathtaking, just as intricate, just as feature-laden, and (wait for it…) even as challenging as the Panzer Dragoons that came before it. What’s that? Do you doubt me? Well, you can decide for yourself, because it even includes the original Panzer Dragoon in its entirety as a bonus!
richorosai's avatar
Devil May Cry 2 (PlayStation 2)

Devil May Cry 2 review (PS2)

Reviewed on April 21, 2003

Devil May Cry was a huge surprise hit by Capcom. Dante became the ultimate badass in videogaming, a half devil creature with one heck of an attitude. He was quick witted with a flashy statement, and guns to back it up. That was the original Devil May Cry, the sequel has a much lamer Dante, and overall a lamer game. Now this review is going to center on the many bad points in Devil May Cry 2, but don't get me wrong, this is not really a horrible game. I do not really regret buying it, although I ...
ratking's avatar
Quest: Brian's Journey (Game Boy Color)

Quest: Brian's Journey review (GBC)

Reviewed on April 18, 2003

Quest 64 was a very dissapointing game, but it did not end up destroying the series. Instead Quest: Brian's Journey would finish the failure of Quest 64. While neither of these games were terrible, they were met with horrendous critics. The only thing Quest: Brian's Journey had going for it, is that most people never even realized it existed. I only found it used, and because I was searching for it. See, Brian's Journey was released, but never survived on the shelves long. Within a month many vi...
ratking's avatar
Project Gotham Racing (Xbox)

Project Gotham Racing review (XBX)

Reviewed on April 17, 2003

In about every racing game out there, speed is the most important thing. You drive fast, you get to the finish line first in order to win. And that makes sense, right? They ARE racing games after all. Project Gotham Racing is rather different. You still have to win races, but driving like a badass is just as important as driving with speed. It’s really as much a driving game as it is a racing game.
goatx3's avatar
Puss 'N Boots: Pero's Great Adventure (NES)

Puss 'N Boots: Pero's Great Adventure review (NES)

Reviewed on April 16, 2003

I have enjoyed a wide variety of games over the years, ranging from some of the popular favorites, to some of the more unknown ones, to the very bizarre ones. I think the game reviewed here falls under the third category. Puss and Boots: Pero's Great Adventure is a weird game. It's fun, but let's face it, any game which involves a mouse trying to save a cat by going around the world is just a TAD weird, don't you think? Like I said, this game is fun as hell, and I really enjoyed it. It is one o...
psychopenguin's avatar
Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (Game Boy Advance)

Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers review (GBA)

Reviewed on April 15, 2003

The sheer size of The Two Towers, the number of levels and the fact that there are five different characters make this an extremely impressive title for a portable system. Yet at the same time, the levels often seem empty and needlessly long.
alecto's avatar
Strikers: 1945 (PlayStation)

Strikers: 1945 review (PSX)

Reviewed on April 14, 2003

Everything remains steady the whole way through, even when enough sprites are flying around the screen that the sweating geek inside of you cringes and expects smoke to start pouring out of the Playstation. It's amazing to see so much solid detail to the levels and so many projectiles peppering the environment, but no noticeable drop in framerate.
honestgamer's avatar
The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker (GameCube)

The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker review (GCN)

Reviewed on April 09, 2003

The entire sailing element is a love-hate sort of experience: if you don’t mind occasionally spending five minutes crossing the entire ocean to get from point A to point B or constantly changing the direction of the wind, then you can easily dismiss the potential frustration and realize that it is actually a rather fun experience, and simply exploring the ocean, finding all the islands and their respective objectives, is actually enjoyable.
Knux's avatar
The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker (GameCube)

The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker review (GCN)

Reviewed on April 09, 2003

The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker. If you haven't heard of the latest title in Nintendo's Legend of Zelda franchise yet, there's a good possibility you're either very secluded, or living underneath a large rock. Or secluded under a large rock; it doesn't really matter which. In any case, the vast majority of people reading this will have heard of the game, and in fact, probably already love it or despise it depending on a number of factors. Do me a favor, and put any prejudgments aside rig...
kieran's avatar
NHL Stanley Cup (SNES)

NHL Stanley Cup review (SNES)

Reviewed on April 09, 2003

I have never really been a huge fan of hockey, although I have always been a fan of sports in general. I have never been a huge fan of hockey, but to say I have never been a fan of hockey at all would be a huge blatant lie. The fact of the matter is, I like hockey. I used to be a hockey player myself, in fact. And while I do consider the game to be rather boring to watch on television, I am still a pretty big fan of it. My favorite team is the Pittsburgh Penguins, and they have been for many yea...
psychopenguin's avatar
Final Fantasy Chronicles (PlayStation)

Final Fantasy Chronicles review (PSX)

Reviewed on April 09, 2003

Is Final Fantasy Chronicles worth buying? YES! It's one of, if not the best, premiere compliations ever released, and it is a truly great game, as it hosts two of the greatest games ever made. I'd definitely reccomend buying it!
psychopenguin's avatar
Breath of Fire IV (PlayStation)

Breath of Fire IV review (PSX)

Reviewed on April 09, 2003

Enjoying the Breath of Fire series has never been a series easy to enjoy. Ever since the original graced the presence of the SNES, the games have been mired in the doldrums of mediocrity. However, there was hope. After the frustratingly boring third release, Capcom decided that they were going to completely change the series and create a fourth game. However, as soon as I read the preview, there was a major question that needed to be answered.
psychopenguin's avatar
Rygar (NES)

Rygar review (NES)

Reviewed on April 09, 2003

When asked to name their favorite video games of all time, chances are the name Rygar will not show up on most people’s lists. It was not a widely popular and recognized game when it was released in the Arcades, even though it was a pretty fun game that I enjoyed playing a lot. However, even fewer people have heard of Rygar for the Nintendo Entertainment System. And this is a true shame, in my opinion. After all, I had enjoyed playing the Arcade version of this classic game immensely, and I stil...
psychopenguin's avatar
Adventure Island (NES)

Adventure Island review (NES)

Reviewed on April 09, 2003

I remember my cousin having a NES with 20 games some years ago. One of those games were Adventure Island. I used to want to travel 200 miles just to play the game. While I probably wouldn't do the same today, it still is a very great game. This is actually one of my all time favorite games on the NES, and I still play it a lot, even to this day. It is simply one of the most fun games I have ever played, despite the fact certain elements of it could be described as tedious or dare I say boring....
psychopenguin's avatar

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