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Available Reviews
Outlaw Golf (Xbox)

Outlaw Golf review (XBX)

Reviewed on July 05, 2002

Woohoo! Finally another zany/fun golfers game hits the xbox. This game is going to be awsome!! Lets just hold that thought right there for a second. Your going to need my analysis on this game because trust me, this game isnt what it appears to be. Thankfully, i rented the game before i purchased it, which would have saved me a good well-earned pay check for another crusty golf game. Outlaw golf is supposed to be a non-official, non-profesional golf game which is made to be fun, and for laughs. ...
murdarus336's avatar
Spider-Man: The Movie (Xbox)

Spider-Man: The Movie review (XBX)

Reviewed on July 04, 2002

Finally the wall crawling, web shooting, thug catching, super hero is back. Yes, straight from the movie theatres to the courtesy of your own home for the xbox, playstation 2, and the nintendo gamecube. And yes, i have played this game for all of the three consoles, and to my conclusion suggest that it is the best on the xbox system. This is because of xbox's superior graphics and power. Following the xbox i would have to say the gamecube, and then finally the ps2 just because of the playstation...
murdarus336's avatar
Goemon's Great Adventure (Nintendo 64)

Goemon's Great Adventure review (N64)

Reviewed on July 03, 2002

Goemon is a strange game. It has childish humor combined with vulgarity and a mature plot. This is an interesting, yet nice combination. I got Geomon's Great Adventure because there were not that many good looking games coming out for Nintendo 64, and well it looked nice in Nintendo Power. I asked for it for my birthday, and I got it. I quickly popped it in and ran the beggining through. It was addicting from the start, and a great game to run through.
ratking's avatar
Banjo-Tooie (Nintendo 64)

Banjo-Tooie review (N64)

Reviewed on July 03, 2002

Banjo-Tooie was the sequel to one of the most surprising hits for the Nintendo 64. I did not own Banjo-Kazooie then, and I still do not to this day. However I did go out and get Banjo-Tooie, and I got what I expected. I expected a fun game, spent basically running around searching for items and that is what Banjo-Tooie gave me. This does not go above and beyond, but it does not disapoint either.
ratking's avatar
Conker's Bad Fur Day (Nintendo 64)

Conker's Bad Fur Day review (N64)

Reviewed on July 03, 2002

Conkers Bad Fur Day stands as one of the must haves for the Nintendo 64. It is filled with grotesque humor, vulgarity and cartoon violence but that just enhances the greatness Bad Fur Day had the potential, and did become. Alot of people were discouraged by the ''M'' rating, and well that should be so. But if you are willing to look past the ''M'' ratings, this is definitely one of the strongest games for the Nintendo 64.
ratking's avatar
Punch-Out! (NES)

Punch-Out! review (NES)

Reviewed on July 02, 2002

Well most people don't realize this but there were two versions of Punch-Out because of Mike Tyson's mental and law problems. So seeing Mike Tyson's Punch Out was selling well, yet there was still the issue of Mike Tyson being a badsorts, they made the same game with Mr. Dream at the end. I would much rather fight Tyson if you ask me.
ratking's avatar
Mike Tyson's Punch-Out! (NES)

Mike Tyson's Punch-Out! review (NES)

Reviewed on July 02, 2002

Little Mac is the boxer we all love to cheer for. The little guy going against boxers three times the size of him, and yet still smashing them in the face. Ah, we all wish we were a Little Mac and well in Punch-Out you can be Little Mac and take on the likes of Mike Tyson. If you can get past some memorable arcade boxers first.
ratking's avatar
Paper Mario (Nintendo 64)

Paper Mario review (N64)

Reviewed on July 02, 2002

I played Paper Mario before I had experience Super Mario RPG, and well I did not expect that much from it. Paper Mario was the one of the few things that even resembled an RPG for the Nintendo 64, and well that made it an instand pickup. An intriguing storyline, but nothing to fancy made this a perfect RPG/Adventure game with our favorite mustached hero.
ratking's avatar
Perfect Dark (Nintendo 64)

Perfect Dark review (N64)

Reviewed on July 02, 2002

Have you ever had those parties where you try to kill your friends with various weapons and it seems they same people always dominate and you always have those same bumpkins on the bottom. Well Perfect Dark continues the era. I, Donnie, still remains as the bottom even though I own the game, however being a bottom feeder is not that bad when you are playing Perfect Dark. There are tons of different ways to play it, and there is always the event modes incase you want some fun. Did I say I suck at...
ratking's avatar
Agent Under Fire (GameCube)

Agent Under Fire review (GCN)

Reviewed on July 01, 2002

At nearly every point, the visuals are superb. Bond women are here, character models that somehow manage to look almost as good as FMV. And polygons aren't reserved strictly for the Bond girls, either; the villains benefit from the same attention to detail.
honestgamer's avatar
Shadowgate (NES)

Shadowgate review (NES)

Reviewed on June 28, 2002

The true point and click adventure. Shadowgate is a game inwhich you go around and collect items that you will have to use in a different place. There is no button smashing and you can take as long as you need to solve the puzzles. This NES version was a succesful game but went by unnoticed by others. However the people that did come across it, and wanted the true thinking game were pleasently surprised. Shadowgate had alot to offer for that Nintendo system.
ratking's avatar
Shadowgate Classic (Game Boy Color)

Shadowgate Classic review (GBC)

Reviewed on June 26, 2002

The true point and click adventure. Shadowgate Classic is a game inwhich you go around and collect items that you will have to use in a different place. There is no button smashing and you can take as long as you need to solve the puzzles. Now to the history of the actual game, Shadowgate Classic is a port from the NES system brought back to the Gameboy Color. The NES version was a succesful game but went by unnoticed by others. The Gameboy Color version was identical to he NES version, and the ...
ratking's avatar
Final Fantasy VII (PC)

Final Fantasy VII review (PC)

Reviewed on June 25, 2002

Final Fantasy 7 is the Ultimate Console RPG ever created. The storytelling is superb, and on the PC the cutscenes are the best I have ever seen. Final Fantasy 7 had alot to live up to, sense Final Fantasy 4 and 6 were such great games, and well in my Final Fantasy 7 was equal too, if not better than both of them. The PC version is no dissapointment either, for it is a good port from the playstation with much improved upon graphics (Yes they rival the Playstation 2 graphics).
ratking's avatar
Shadowgate 64: Trials of the Four Towers (Nintendo 64)

Shadowgate 64: Trials of the Four Towers review (N64)

Reviewed on June 25, 2002

This is a point and click RPG, as you control the guy, but there is no fighting of any sorts. This is the sequel to Shadowgate for the NES/Gameboy and it lives up to it fairly well. The way the game works is that you pick up every item you come across and using multiple attempts, and also while reading through a million little books, you will discover how to use this. This is definitely a trial and error game, and that is the point.
ratking's avatar
Bio F.R.E.A.K.S (Nintendo 64)

Bio F.R.E.A.K.S review (N64)

Reviewed on June 24, 2002

Bio Freaks is a traditional fighting game, inwhich you fight with some assorted montrosity. They are variously deformed, and have various weapons and hands and such. The coolest aspect of this game is that you can disarm, literally, your opponents so they have like no limbs left. This can be used for some pretty good fun.
ratking's avatar
NBA 2K2 (GameCube)

NBA 2K2 review (GCN)

Reviewed on June 24, 2002

I am not really a fan of the NBA, and I really don't even have a favorite team but I found myself buying NBA 2k2 none-the-less. Why? For two reasons: 1) There were not many Gamecube games worth purchasing and 2) my friend owned the Dreamcast version and it was steller. Therefor I went out and bought the game, and through in the Gamecube as soon as possible. I found myself doing a Fantasy Draft, and drafting rookie PG Jamal Tinsley. Currently he is in the All-Star game, and in control of MVP. Thi...
ratking's avatar
Quest 64 (Nintendo 64)

Quest 64 review (N64)

Reviewed on June 23, 2002

It claims to be an RPG, but Quest 64 is not exactly that. Sure it has RPG elements, and random battles, but these battle consist of bonking many enemies on the head, and occasionally zapping them with some random spell. In truth, I though Quest got a bad rap for it is a fairly good game, and I enjoyed it while it lasted. I will not easily sell this game, although I very rarely, if ever, pick this game up.
ratking's avatar
The Smurfs (Game Boy)

The Smurfs review (GB)

Reviewed on June 22, 2002

This is the one game for my gameboy, that is not completely mine. My sister, even being 4 years older than me, was a smurf fan and wanted this game. Therefor my parents bought it for the both of us. There is really nothing that special about this game. It's just basically another game taken off a television show, and very few (the only major exception is Darkwing Duck) of these game are actually that good for more than a week.
ratking's avatar
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening (Game Boy)

The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening review (GB)

Reviewed on June 21, 2002

This is by-far the first Zelda game I had ever played. I was easily confused at first, and had trouble getting past the very first puzzles (that dumb mushroom). But after a little help from my peers, and my refusal to ever give up, I had one of the funnest gaming experiences. This Zelda game is a classic, made many years ago. I got this when I first got the gameboy game, and picked up the DX version later.
ratking's avatar
Pokemon Red (Game Boy)

Pokemon Red review (GB)

Reviewed on June 21, 2002

I am not a pokefanatic or anything, and I was probably one of the few people that bought this game without ever knowing there was a television show, or that it was popular overseas. I bought it cause it looked good, and truth is it is a great game. It's been hammered because it is childish, which is true, and yet it is loads of fun, and no matter how much nintendo has done to make it annoying, the game itself will always be good, at least in my mind.
ratking's avatar

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