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You are currently looking through all reviews for PC games. Below, you will find reviews written by all eligible authors and sorted according to date of submission, with the newest content displaying first. As many as 20 results will display per page. If you would like to try a search with different parameters, specify them below and submit a new search.

Available Reviews
Case #8 (PC)

Case #8 review (PC)

Reviewed on October 28, 2021

It's fitting this game takes place in a prison, because playing it sometimes feels like a crime.
JoeTheDestroyer's avatar
Dead Space 2 (PC)

Dead Space 2 review (PC)

Reviewed on October 27, 2021

If It Ain’t Broke, Isaac Will Fix It
Brian's avatar
Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice (PC)

Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice review (PC)

Reviewed on October 26, 2021

Hel hath several furies – and they’re all in your head
EmP's avatar
Lucius (PC)

Lucius review (PC)

Reviewed on October 25, 2021

The 'Oh, Man!'
JoeTheDestroyer's avatar
Moons of Madness (PC)

Moons of Madness review (PC)

Reviewed on October 24, 2021

No, this game does not involve driving people insane by pointing your butt at them. Sorry.
JoeTheDestroyer's avatar
The Music Machine (PC)

The Music Machine review (PC)

Reviewed on October 23, 2021

In this game: characters who are holy and characters who are holey.
JoeTheDestroyer's avatar
Gridberd (PC)

Gridberd review (PC)

Reviewed on October 22, 2021

Dear Leatherface
JoeTheDestroyer's avatar
Tamashii (PC)

Tamashii review (PC)

Reviewed on October 21, 2021

Your temple is a body
JoeTheDestroyer's avatar
Outpost 13 (PC)

Outpost 13 review (PC)

Reviewed on October 20, 2021

The scam’s The Thing
EmP's avatar
Locked-in syndrome (PC)

Locked-in syndrome review (PC)

Reviewed on October 18, 2021

It's just as underwhelming as the name suggests...
JoeTheDestroyer's avatar
Oakwood (PC)

Oakwood review (PC)

Reviewed on October 17, 2021

Hold onto your butts
JoeTheDestroyer's avatar
God's Basement (PC)

God's Basement review (PC)

Reviewed on October 15, 2021

It beats God's Bathroom
JoeTheDestroyer's avatar


Reviewed on October 13, 2021

'Screw, Marry, Kill' just got real
JoeTheDestroyer's avatar
Alan Wake Remastered (PC)

Alan Wake Remastered review (PC)

Reviewed on October 12, 2021

These are dark times indeed.
honestgamer's avatar
You Deserve (PC)

You Deserve review (PC)

Reviewed on October 11, 2021

The only thing any of us deserves is a game with more substance
JoeTheDestroyer's avatar
Dead Space (PC)

Dead Space review (PC)

Reviewed on October 10, 2021

When Survival is the Horror
Brian's avatar
Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers 20th Anniversary Edition (PC)

Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers 20th Anniversary Edition review (PC)

Reviewed on October 09, 2021

Knight Terrors
EmP's avatar
Kio's Adventure (PC)

Kio's Adventure review (PC)

Reviewed on October 08, 2021

Random Insanity reimagined as an ero guro adventure
JoeTheDestroyer's avatar
Apartment 666 (PC)

Apartment 666 review (PC)

Reviewed on October 06, 2021

The numbing of the beast
JoeTheDestroyer's avatar
Forgotten Trace: Thanatos in Nostalgia - Chapter 1 (PC)

Forgotten Trace: Thanatos in Nostalgia - Chapter 1 review (PC)

Reviewed on October 05, 2021

Several steps off the Trace
EmP's avatar

Additional Results (20 per page)

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