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Available Reviews
I, Damiano (PC)

I, Damiano review (PC)

Reviewed on October 13, 2006

Somewhere in the midst of all this frivolity are cheery themes like wholesale genocide, illicit sex, and an epidemic of the Black Death; this is of course followed by folk dancing, because Damiano is a very complex individual.
sho's avatar
Sensei 2 (PC)

Sensei 2 review (PC)

Reviewed on October 12, 2006

How’s this for a defining moment? Shuichi Nakayama stands face to face with a crushed woman. She’s been horribly victimized throughout her life, a fact that he has parlayed into a variety of racy but lifeless sexual acts. To thaw her frozen exterior, he needs a powerful hook. And he finds it in her elementary-aged daughter, who has fallen into the sights of a pedophile. Shuichi can save her. If you force him to help out of whatever goodness is left in his heart, then his reward is the same...
woodhouse's avatar
Dungeons and Dragons Online: Stormreach (PC)

Dungeons and Dragons Online: Stormreach review (PC)

Reviewed on October 12, 2006

It has been a little over seven months since the relase of Dungeons & Dragons Online: Stormreach and during that time, there has been quite a few updates. But, on to the show and on to what you want to know.
lilith's avatar
Tsuki ~Possession~ (PC)

Tsuki ~Possession~ review (PC)

Reviewed on October 10, 2006

No one, and I repeat, no one said anything about urine, adult diapers, or enemas and their *ahem* forceful outbursts.
pup's avatar
Caesar IV (PC)

Caesar IV review (PC)

Reviewed on October 09, 2006

If Caesar IV is better because it focuses on the smaller details, then it’s also true that it’s better because it forces you to do the same. You have to worry more about things like hygiene now. More importantly, you understand why that is in a tangible sense. When you neglect the bath houses, you’ll see filth spreading through your city.
honestgamer's avatar
Enzai: Falsely Accused (PC)

Enzai: Falsely Accused review (PC)

Reviewed on October 01, 2006

I definitely enjoyed my time with Enzai. I actually played through every scenario and bled the story dry, because the dialogue and characters were so well-conceived.
zigfried's avatar
Brothers in Arms: Road to Hill 30 (PC)

Brothers in Arms: Road to Hill 30 review (PC)

Reviewed on September 30, 2006

A lot of advertisements for games emphasize team-based combat. In countless games, you are supposed to be able to command an elite squad of soldiers who will execute your every command flawlessly and respond as adeptly as a human would. Typically, first-person shooters brag about this high level of team unity, but most of the time, they fail terribly at living up to their promise. The AI just isn’t smart enough, or the programming just wasn’t good enough, or the feature just wasn’t worth using. ...
asherdeus's avatar
Bone: The Great Cow Race (PC)

Bone: The Great Cow Race review (PC)

Reviewed on September 28, 2006

A lot of notice was taken of Boneville's shortcomings and fixed up in this outing; while both games drip with a vibrant and goofy charm that will appeal to audiences young and old, the more sinister undertones that Jeff Smith's comics were so loved for have been allowed to further develop in this episode.
EmP's avatar
Uplink: Hacker Elite (PC)

Uplink: Hacker Elite review (PC)

Reviewed on September 14, 2006

There is a brilliant idea that inspires Uplink: Hacker Elite, and it largely rests at the intersection of the state of present day technology, and the timeless intrigue that surrounds crime and criminals, so deeply-rooted that it taps human nature. There have long been games depicting crime, going all the way back to the Atari 2600, and the monumental Grand Theft Auto series is inarguably the one that has most recently brought the issue of game crime and violence into the limelight...
dogma's avatar
CivCity: Rome (PC)

CivCity: Rome review (PC)

Reviewed on September 11, 2006

With your first attempts at construction, you can only make tiny huts barely suitable for habitation. Residents demand a well, but they’ll only travel so far to reach it (apparently, crossing the entire city is just too much of a hassle and will prompt them to move to a city other than yours for the sake of eventual convenience).
honestgamer's avatar
Bone: Out from Boneville (PC)

Bone: Out from Boneville review (PC)

Reviewed on September 08, 2006

While Bone: Out from Boneville lasts, it's an engaging and humorous experience that manages to entertain a wide spectrum of audiences.
bside's avatar
Bone: Out from Boneville (PC)

Bone: Out from Boneville review (PC)

Reviewed on September 07, 2006

The comic's appeal was widespread, and, to a point, so is the game. The younger audience will enjoy the goofy characters, the vibrant colours and cartoony graphics whilst older players will enjoy that everything is just a little bit more complex then it seems. Behind the childish presentation lays a strong collection of characters that are a joy to interact with. From the sleepy-eyed Red Dragoon who takes a minimalistic approach to helping the cousins on their way to the triplet of playful possums that bicker for Fone's attention and take an immediate dislike to Phoney, there's an energetic world to explore. But before you can get lost in it, it's over.
EmP's avatar
Heart de Roommate (PC)

Heart de Roommate review (PC)

Reviewed on August 31, 2006

While it’s true that there is nudity, that’s not so much the focus as you might anticipate. You probably expect Yusuke to sneak around peeking in bathrooms when girls are bathing, spying on shower stalls at school, and maybe raping a few females for good measure. That’s just not the focus, though, and Heart de Roommate is better for it.
honestgamer's avatar
Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines (PC)

Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines review (PC)

Reviewed on August 27, 2006

When I loaded up Vampires: Bloodlines, I felt that I was going to be disappointed. Troika Games was on the verge of folding, reviews talked about the bugginess of the game, and I was afraid it was going to be a Diablo type affair like the first Vampire: Redemption. I have to say that I was wrong on all aspects and was pleseantly surprised by all that this game does right.
mclazyj's avatar
Half-Life (PC)

Half-Life review (PC)

Reviewed on August 27, 2006

The intro sequence is the part that endures, obviously; the commute into the creaking heart of the Black Mesa Research Facility will never quite lose its majesty. Once the soundscape oozes in and your eyes open, your tramcar winds its way down through the massive complex, sweeping you through a foreseeable world in which technology is definitely awe-inspiring, but far from reliable and farther from invasive. Incredible multi-articulated robots repair busted-up chemical vats. Steel airlocks and e...
autorock's avatar
Quest for Glory I: So You Want To Be A Hero (PC)

Quest for Glory I: So You Want To Be A Hero review (PC)

Reviewed on August 26, 2006

Quest for Glory I: So you want to be a hero?
darketernal's avatar
Psychonauts (PC)

Psychonauts review (PC)

Reviewed on August 23, 2006

You find yourself standing on a road that twists in and around itself like a giant knot. An endless void surrounds this demented neighborhood, whose people have the composure and attire to suggest they are secret agents. Their constant uttering of phrases lacking any intellectual value leaves you wondering what kind of sick person's imagination you could be in and how you could possibly fix it. After whipping out a trusty piece of bacon, an old man's head pops out of your right ear and reminds y...
sasqua_mox's avatar
SiN Episodes: Emergence (PC)

SiN Episodes: Emergence review (PC)

Reviewed on August 22, 2006

One of the things that bugged me about Half-Life 2: Episode One, the only other current attempt at delivering a game in episodes rather than a single installment, was that the game didn’t end. Let me clarify that. Half-Life 2: Episode One left a lot of questions unanswered. I felt like the developers were just teasing players with a throw-away ending, expecting you to pay for the next two installments of the series if you want real clarity. I expected some suspense. I expected to b...
asherdeus's avatar
Civilization IV: Warlords (PC)

Civilization IV: Warlords review (PC)

Reviewed on August 16, 2006

When you get a warlord, you then get to decide which available unit you’d like to associate him with. So, let’s say you have a few groups of chariot-riding fiends. He can join them and their power will be boosted accordingly. But they’re hardly invincible, or else the game would be too imbalanced. No, they’re just the slightest bit stronger.
honestgamer's avatar
Project: Snowblind (PC)

Project: Snowblind review (PC)

Reviewed on August 15, 2006

Whenever I get the urge to write a bunch of reviews, I always want write a review for Project Snowblind, but for some reason, I haven't been able to. Even though it has been over a year since I first played through Project Snowblind, I’ve never been able to put my thoughts onto the paper. Usually, when I really like a game, like I did Project Snowblind, it’s very easy for me to write my review. But, this game has me stumped. As much as I loved it, writing down what I love an...
asherdeus's avatar

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