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Available Reviews
ActRaiser (SNES)

ActRaiser review (SNES)

Reviewed on September 03, 2007

Are you there Master? It's me, Tanzra. See, I've got this problem. I want to destroy all of civilization and plunge the world into chaos, but you're the only thing that stands in my way. So, I think I'll just seal away your powers for awhile...
rabix's avatar
Transformers: Autobots (DS)

Transformers: Autobots review (DS)

Reviewed on September 03, 2007

Transformers: The Movie is a seriously kick-arse film about a hyperactive kid helping out some colossal Japanese robots to cause one billion dollars worth of damage to the city, and in doing so, he also manages to score a goddess of a hot chick. Transformers: Autobots, one half of the official DS games of the movie, does away with all of that nonsense, and instead leaves us stuck in a Grand Theft Auto inspired sandbox... for better or for worse? We'll soon find out.
arkrex's avatar
Mario Kart: Super Circuit (Game Boy Advance)

Mario Kart: Super Circuit review (GBA)

Reviewed on September 02, 2007

Mario Kart stand’s out as one of Nintendo’s ever-appearing franchises on all their 16-bit consoles onwards and all share the basic principle of being a fun, entertaining racer that anyone can pick up and play and compete against each other regardless of ability. Super Mario Kart started the franchise off on the SNES and was technically impressive s well as some top gameplay, while Mario Kart 64 bought the series into full 3D and while successful, was too easy for some. Mario Kar...
bigcj34's avatar
Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 (PlayStation 2)

Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 review (PS2)

Reviewed on September 02, 2007

Your arm has been torn open. It could be worse; at least the wound wasn’t on your wrist. Of course, that doesn’t make the raw meat that was once your bicep feel any better. Somewhere in the lower recesses of your mind, you understand that you’ve gone into shock. You’re vaguely aware of the burning pain pulsing from your ruined limb, and of the blood dripping – no, pouring - out of you. Any second now, the monsters will swoop in and devour you like a flesh-flavored candy bar. As their vaca...
disco's avatar
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (PlayStation 2)

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon review (PS2)

Reviewed on September 01, 2007

The movie Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon was a deeply moving epic drama in the form of a Chinese wuxia opera that happened to have memorable fight and action sequences. The PS2 game, on the other hand, is a pretty straight beat’em-up that is neither moving, epic or dramatic, offering lots of action and fight sequences but hardly memorable.
MartinG's avatar
Bratz (Game Boy Advance)

Bratz review (GBA)

Reviewed on August 30, 2007

You see a woman. Her platform shoes are bigger than her head. Her waist –perfectly visible thanks to clothes so small that they’re barely there- is inhumanly thin, to the point where it seems impossible that it could hold a person’s innards inside. Her lips show evident signs of having been stung by a particularly ferocious bee, and are painted with buckets of lipgloss that contribute to give them a stronger inflatable plastic look. Above those lips, two humid eyes inattentively look back at you...
MartinG's avatar
GunValkyrie (Xbox)

GunValkyrie review (XBX)

Reviewed on August 30, 2007

Poor GunValkyrie didn't stand a chance. From Sega came a tough but gorgeous game where a hot chick flies around with a jetpack and blows shit up... alright, on a system whose raisons d'être were Halo and Dead or Alive, that was probably a good move. But development team Smilebit stupidly—wonderfully, valiantly, but really quite stupidly just the same—refused to cater to any modern gamer's taste, and predictably, gamers hated their game because of it. There's no instant satisfaction to be found h...
mardraum's avatar
Space Channel 5 (Dreamcast)

Space Channel 5 review (DC)

Reviewed on August 29, 2007

Ya know, despite its Simon Says-style gameplay, where you basically repeat what the enemies do on screen, Space Channel 5 can be quite tough at times. And you'll know this when you play the game for the first time. As the first report (stage) begins, you're at a retro-futuristic spaceport, where Morolians, aliens who look like Teletubbies with monitors as faces, are invading. Civilians scatter to safety in their hip, 60s-inspired clothing, but your character, Ulala, decked out in a skimpy...
dementedhut's avatar
Kid Icarus (NES)

Kid Icarus review (NES)

Reviewed on August 29, 2007

There is no doubt you have heard the phrase, “Whatever goes up must come down.” Yet in Kid Icarus, there is only one direction, and it’s up. There is no such thing as down in Kid Icarus.
Suskie's avatar
V.I.P. (PC)

V.I.P. review (PC)

Reviewed on August 29, 2007

September, 1983. Millions of unsold copies of E.T., Atari's holy grail of bad taste, were allegedly buried in a landfill site somewhere rather sandy in New Mexico.
lisanne's avatar
ZooCube (Game Boy Advance)

ZooCube review (GBA)

Reviewed on August 29, 2007

We all enjoy superproductions, with state-of-the-art graphics and 60-instrument orchestra soundtracks and gameplay as deep and complex as a team of a bajillion developers allows, but when it comes down to it it takes surprisingly little to make a masterpiece out of a videogame. ZooCube proves that.
MartinG's avatar
Rage Racer (PlayStation)

Rage Racer review (PSX)

Reviewed on August 28, 2007

Rage Racer stands out as one of the PlayStation’s games released in its early years, and is a slight spin-off to the Ridge Racer series, changing elements of what made it the arcade racer to be a tad more realistic, with darker colour schemes on the cars and tracks and looks more realistic overall.
bigcj34's avatar
V.I.P. (PlayStation)

V.I.P. review (PSX)

Reviewed on August 28, 2007

Remember when people insisted in telling Pamela Anderson to do things? Like the movie Barb Wire or, more importantly for the sake of our study, the TV series VIP. This series, which amazingly lasted four full seasons, featured Pamela as the comically incompetent boss of an otherwise professional bodyguard agency. Well, somewhere along the line someone coerced Ubisoft into making a game for the PlayStation based on this series.
MartinG's avatar
Shining Force EXA (PlayStation 2)

Shining Force EXA review (PS2)

Reviewed on August 27, 2007

Say it.
True's avatar
Mega Man Star Force: Leo (DS)

Mega Man Star Force: Leo review (DS)

Reviewed on August 27, 2007

Ever since his heroic astronaut father got lost in space, young Geo Stelar has never been the same. He withdrew himself from the world that carried on turning, abandoning school and hence any hope of new-found friendship. Geo became a loner. But then one day, something extraordinary happens. An alien life-form composed entirely of electromagnetic waves lands in Geo’s favourite lookout spot and without stopping to breathe in the fresh oxygenated air, it approaches the emotionally torn boy. The my...
arkrex's avatar
ICO (PlayStation 2)

ICO review (PS2)

Reviewed on August 27, 2007

Books can have a deep influence over a person; I doubt I will ever forget Flannery Culp’s murderous panache in The Basic Eight. So can movies, and paintings too for that matter: the very title of The Hours evokes in me the intense ennui of a desperate Virginia Woolf, and seeing a beach painted by Sorolla is so very much like feeling the real sun on your skin. Until 2002 I had never stopped to think that a videogame could be added to this list of ultimate artistic experiences, but t...
MartinG's avatar
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 (Game Boy Advance)

Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 review (GBA)

Reviewed on August 26, 2007

Many gamers consider Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 3 to be the best in the series. Its well-designed levels, many goals, great soundtrack and cool secret areas kept Playstation gamers happy. But I’m sure only a few of those happy gamers purchased the GBA version of it. Lucky them. The GBA game is like a dumbed-down, uglier version of the original. Sometimes the levels are similar to the Playstation levels, other times they’re only vaguely based on them. Sometimes the goals are the same, other times the...
iamtheprodigy's avatar
Earthworm Jim (Game Boy Advance)

Earthworm Jim review (GBA)

Reviewed on August 26, 2007

Ride with me for a moment, back to freshman biology in high school. It was a time when little else caught my attention beyond the hot brunette that sat next to me. A time when little effort was needed to be exerted to pass a class. A time when Fridays were dissection days. With a double period specifically assigned to slicing open deceased creatures and exploring the innards, not even the hot brunette could distract me (well, maybe just a little but it was time well spent). But this story is not...
iamtheprodigy's avatar
Indigo Prophecy (PlayStation 2)

Indigo Prophecy review (PS2)

Reviewed on August 26, 2007

Playing Fahrenheit is like watching a car crash in slow motion. At first you just see a car moving, maybe it's even a pretty car, but suddenly it hits a lamp-post, curls around itself in a horrible metallic mess and bits of test mannequins fly all over the place.
MartinG's avatar
Nightshade (PlayStation 2)

Nightshade review (PS2)

Reviewed on August 24, 2007

In Nightshade you are Hibana, the deadliest of all kunoichi or female ninjas. As a minor detail, Hibana is also (along with Samus Aran) the only female videogame character I can think of right now who appears fully clothed from her head down to her feet, and doesn’t look like she’s the main investor of a silicone factory.
MartinG's avatar

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