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Available Reviews
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time (PlayStation 2)

Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time review (PS2)

Reviewed on March 02, 2005

At this point, you have two options. Either you can mash buttons like crazy and hope for the best, or you can press the 'L1' button. Go with the second choice and the game will stutter. You'll relive the last few seconds you played... backwards. In this manner, fatal dives into a sea of spikes and even poorly-timed jumps that would otherwise lead to frustrating backtracking can be avoided.
honestgamer's avatar
Namco Museum (PSP)

Namco Museum review (PSP)

Reviewed on March 01, 2005

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me again though and... hey, it looks like I've just bought another Namco Museum. Formulatic, predictable, and oh so tiresome. Yes, you probably already know how this is going to work. Heck, if the truth be told, you should also have a fairly good idea of exactly what games to expect.
midwinter's avatar
Earnest Evans (Genesis)

Earnest Evans review (GEN)

Reviewed on March 01, 2005

The game is not an utter pile. Unfortunately, it takes a bit of time to realize this.
zigfried's avatar
Nanobreaker (PlayStation 2)

Nanobreaker review (PS2)

Reviewed on February 27, 2005

Whereas manly brawlers like Chaos Legion or Dynasty Warriors throw everything at you simultaneously, Nanobreaker doles its orgamechs out in small, easily-sliced clusters as if this were a really boring version of Streets of Rage or Final Fight.
zigfried's avatar
Valis: The Fantasm Soldier (Genesis)

Valis: The Fantasm Soldier review (GEN)

Reviewed on February 25, 2005

Instead of the tale of heroine Yuko and former best bud Reiko's tragic friendship, the Valis manual talks about how Reiko is dating Rogles (King of the Dark World and general menace to society) because she thinks he's cute! What in the hell is that nonsense about?
zigfried's avatar
Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (TurboGrafx-16)

Street Fighter II': Champion Edition review (TG16)

Reviewed on February 24, 2005

Most people are going to realize that buying this one just doesn’t make any practical sense for them. But that doesn’t take anything away from the fact that NEC pulled off a small miracle to come so close with such old hardware.
sho's avatar
Ys VI: The Ark of Napishtim (PC)

Ys VI: The Ark of Napishtim review (PC)

Reviewed on February 23, 2005

The major characters get plenty of chances to show their spunk, elation, despair, and grit, but the story isn't Falcom's focus. Let other companies create adventures with schizophrenic main characters! Let other companies fill their games with fifteen-minute-long mindrape cinematics! Falcom specializes in the action part of the action-RPG label, and this is where Ys VI shines.
zigfried's avatar
Granada (Genesis)

Granada review (GEN)

Reviewed on February 22, 2005

Don't be turned away by the game's obscurity or the tiny blue tank's diminutive size — this remains one of the best games on Genesis, even today. Take a chance.
zigfried's avatar
Mobile Train Simulator + Densha de GO! Tokyo Kyuukou Hen (PSP)

Mobile Train Simulator + Densha de GO! Tokyo Kyuukou Hen review (PSP)

Reviewed on February 22, 2005

But firstly, how does one go about breaking the stigma associated with such games? I could drone on about the anal retentive attention to detail required of players in order to meet the strict schedules of the Tokyo to Yokohama express lines, that however certainly isn't going to help my situation any. Perhaps then we should start with Mobile Train Simulator + Densha de GO!'s realistic good looks...
midwinter's avatar
Metroid: Zero Mission (Game Boy Advance)

Metroid: Zero Mission review (GBA)

Reviewed on February 21, 2005

Aliens attack lone woman. Sexy results.
bluberry's avatar
Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater (PlayStation 2)

Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater review (PS2)

Reviewed on February 20, 2005

No massive conspiracies revolving around a staged oil spill and its subsequent cleanup structure, no horribly wrong talk of genetics and cloning, just a cool backstory that gives you a reason for being there and a reason for kicking ass.
bluberry's avatar
Hitman: Contracts (PlayStation 2)

Hitman: Contracts review (PS2)

Reviewed on February 19, 2005

Only once you finally access your unwitting target is brutality essential. Be it a 7.62mm NATO round to the heart, a poison-loaded sip of vintage Springbank, or just a silk pillow held over the breathing passages, it's that moment of perfect catharsis - when the ragdoll body slumps and the objective status politely flicks to completed - that the Hitman series has always been defined by.
autorock's avatar
OutRun2 (Xbox)

OutRun2 review (XBX)

Reviewed on February 19, 2005

Though your car flips end-over-end after a collision and lands on the roadway pointed exactly where you need to drive, such diversions cost you precious seconds you can’t possibly afford to lose. While your female passenger looks at you and asks you what you’re doing, or if you’re going to give up, you’ll find yourself mashing the accelerator in frustration, to no effect. But this isn’t a flaw in the game’s design. It simply means you need to drive better.
honestgamer's avatar
WarioWare: Touched! (DS)

WarioWare: Touched! review (DS)

Reviewed on February 18, 2005

With only a few exceptions, this is all done with your stylus. That’s what differentiates this game from the original in the franchise. Adapting to the new style won’t take you long at all, and suddenly you’ll wonder how you ever played this sort of thing before (assuming you have, of course).
honestgamer's avatar
Magic Knight Rayearth (Saturn)

Magic Knight Rayearth review (SAT)

Reviewed on February 17, 2005

Rayearth's story is certainly one of growth and discovery, but it's hardly carefree. Despite the cutesy girls' fantasy trappings, this is an unmistakably mature adventure...
zigfried's avatar
Metal Wolf Chaos (Xbox)

Metal Wolf Chaos review (XBX)

Reviewed on February 15, 2005

Thankfully though the action is a standard mix of slam, bam, thank you ma'am with just the right blend of high yield ka-pow. Viewed from a suitably panoramic third person perspective, players are taken on a veritable cross country tour of the United States, hitting all the major landmarks with an impressive amount of gusto and force.
midwinter's avatar
Gradius V (PlayStation 2)

Gradius V review (PS2)

Reviewed on February 13, 2005

Do we really need a Gradius that dares to be different? Sometimes the best in life can get no better, and if you decide to play God for a day then bad things have been known to happen. It's as such that Gradius V is best served as being a 12-gun salute to the past rather than the true sequel its name would seem to suggest.
midwinter's avatar
Gradius V (PlayStation 2)

Gradius V review (PS2)

Reviewed on February 12, 2005

Despite its positive elements, though, it's tough to recommend Gradius V when the mechanics and boss encounters of even decade-old Genesis shooters are substantially better.
bluberry's avatar
Prince of Persia: Warrior Within (Xbox)

Prince of Persia: Warrior Within review (XBX)

Reviewed on February 08, 2005

It's this apparently apathetic lack of true care that Prince of Persia: Warrior Within will be remembered for the most. Whereby the original stood out from the crowd with its polished gameplay and abundant good charm, its sequel comes off as a mere rehash, made to order in a paint by numbers fashion for the early Christmas rush.
midwinter's avatar
Swords & Serpents (NES)

Swords & Serpents review (NES)

Reviewed on February 07, 2005

Like I said, there’s not an in-depth plot. The game is more about exploration and the occasional adrenaline rushes that come from knowing you’re only surviving by the skin of your teeth. It is the very definition of ‘dungeon crawler,’ and embodies most everything you may dread about that phrase. If you’re one of the few who lives for this sort of thing, though, Swords & Serpents is one of the best the NES ever saw.
honestgamer's avatar

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