
About Me:

Sorry, but I haven't yet shared the information about myself that would typically display here. Check back later to see if that changes, or if I instead choose to remain an enigma.

July 20, 2006

The trip ended up lasting longer than originally planned and was really fun and all. I've actually been back for a little while now but wanted to return with a bang (new review or something) but summer work is keeping me from doing that. So yeah, whats up guys?

June 03, 2006

I'm leaving tomorrow for about three weeks. I'm heading to New Jersey to see friends and family. Anyway, wish me luck.


Three days with the 360.
May 30, 2006

So I just got back from my friend's house who has an Xbox 360. Over the time we played a lot of games, opinions below!

Call of Duty 2: I only played this for like 5 minutes before going to Wal*Mart, but we used to play it a lot. Theres not too much to say but fantastic game.

Battlefield 2: Modern Combat: My friend got this at Wal*Mart and it's pretty fun. Lack of options (CTF of Conquest) bring it down, and the maps seems a bit too big. There's also a lot of lag at times, and the occasional jump 30 feet into a building.

Need For Speed: Most Wanted: I dunno why they spent a half hour trying to implement a story in the beginning. It's a racing game!

Fifa 06: My friend's brother rented this as a joke. Didn't play it.

[read the full post...]

1 comment

More stuff
May 24, 2006

1. Tomorrows my last day before summa'.

2. The moments spoiled as annoying relatives are gonna be at my house the day after.

3. Leveling in Dragon Quest VIII is gay.

4. Drakengard 2 is pretty fun. Says damn a lot, too!


May 21, 2006

Just some random things.

1. Got the colors fixed on this thing. I had a nice UF layout going, until I saw asherdeus already had it. Blue and yellow are cool though, right?

2. I'm writing a FAQ for Trace Memory. It was pretty cool, but short. I might review it later on.

Tell me what you think:

3. Found out that Paper Mario is FINALLY Player's Choice. Looks like I'll have to re-buy it today and possibly buy Baten Kaitos.

4. Leftover pizza is fantastic.


Four days
May 20, 2006

Four days til I'm out for summer vacation. Can't wait.


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