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Welcome, TimothyKen, Artisangxj, FrerMug, davidSog, ManuelDic, RogerSok, WolfmanGreg, WalterNet, GarHem and LoveLove. You are the ten most recent members to join. Enjoy the site!
Below, you'll find the current review leaderboards. The charts show which contributors have the most hits for their combined reviews active in the site database, as well as which contributors currently have the most reviews posted on the site. See if you can make it onto one of the leaderboards!
Top 30 Review Contributors (Total Views)
Top 30 Review Contributors (Reviews Posted)
Below, you'll also find some links that should interest regular site visitors, along with descriptions so you know what you're about to click. These features are here for your enjoyment, so be sure to use them!
Help Topics
Find answers to common questions people have while using the site, with information about accounts, reviews, images, blogs, forums and site policies, among other things.
Popular Reviews
There are more than 10,000 reviews on the site, contributed by staff, freelancers and general users. Visit this page to view the top 50 staff and freelancer reviews, or the top 50 reader reviews (ranked by amount of traffic those reviews have attracted).
Featured Reviews
From 2003 until the end of 2013, and then again starting in early 2016 and continuing through the present day, site staff and key community members have compiled weekly topics listing the individual's favorite review from the period. Those reviews will be displayed here until the end of time... unless they are later removed. If you'd like to easily find some of the finest reviews on the site, this is your starting point.
Exclusive Reviews
We realize that there are a lot of places online where you might contribute your content, but we love it when you only contribute here at HonestGamers. If you choose to do that, you can mark your review as "exclusive" when you contribute it (meaning that it can't be found on one of our competition's sites) and it will be featured in this section of the site. Currently, our reviews database includes thousands of such reviews!
External Reviews
Thousands of links to reviews on external sites are available from game profile pages across the site. You can also come here to view information about which sites are linked and how many reviews are available from which sources, or even view charts that let you know which games those other outlets found irresistible and forgettable.
Upcoming Games
Automatically updated as we make additions to the games database, this resource will help you as you plan for your holiday shopping. It includes listings for both console and handheld titles, but you won't usually find any PC listings because we wait to add those until we have content lined up to go with them.
Site Statistics
If you like to know how the site is doing, and how much content is available on one or multiple systems, you can click the above link for an in-depth report. It's also a great way to know which content you can contribute that will prove most effective.
Best Reviewed
By user request, we've now added a link that allows you to take a look at which games have been most favorably reviewed by the site's staff and contributors. Only games with more than one review are counted to make sure that the results are as insightful as possible.
Do you regularly wish we had another feature listed above? If so, we'd like to know about it. Tell us about it by following the Contact link available on most pages.
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