Ha ha ha, so my article got taken down...
April 04, 2009

... The Examiner considered my latest article to be lewd ^_^

Just wait. I'll have it back up in a few days.

Most recent blog posts from Jonathan Stark...

espiga espiga - April 04, 2009 (06:12 PM)
I'll have it back up in a few days.

With the right frame of mind, that can be considered lewd as well!

PS: They make pills for that.
zippdementia zippdementia - April 04, 2009 (10:22 PM)
With the right frame of mind ANYTHING can be considered lewd.
sashanan sashanan - April 05, 2009 (12:30 AM)
If you know what he means. *wink*
hmd hmd - April 05, 2009 (02:40 AM)
randxian randxian - April 05, 2009 (09:57 AM)
Another case of censorship gone too far. So it's a bit lewd, big deal. Welcome to the real world Examiner.
zippdementia zippdementia - April 05, 2009 (11:42 AM)
And actually, the article itself isn't lewd at all.

They mostly objected to the picture, because it showed male nudity.

Nevermind that NO-ONE has complained about the giant vagina picture.

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